Taylor had a headache by the time the service ended. She was glad that she had a bottle of water in Lane’s truck to wash down the extra strength acetaminophen with.
I already said I would do it. I can’t back down now,she told herself firmly.
Lane took her to lunch atThe Olive Garden, where she changed into jeans and a T-shirt. He changed out of his suit into jeans and a T-shirt. Taylor couldn’t stop staring at the gorgeous man walking her way with a sexy smile on his face. She noticed that other women’s heads turned to watch Lane walk by – even women who were with other men.
“You caused quite a scene walking back,” Taylor said. “I think every woman in this restaurant wants your phone number.”
Lane laughed. “Doubtful, but thanks for the compliment.”
They ate lunch and then Lane said, “How about a drive on Rampart Range Road?”
“Sounds fun,” Taylor said, happily.
They started their journey at the Garden of the Gods and slowly started their journey on the windy dirt road through Pike National Forest. There were a couple of times when it got hairy because two cars were trying to pass each other on a road that was wide enough for one and a half cars. Taylor loved every minute of it.
When the road ended in Woodland Park, Taylor said, “I never get tired of that drive. It is breathtakingly beautiful.”
“It is awesome. Colorado has so many beautiful roads and drives, though. We’ll have to do Gold Camp Road next time,” Lane said.
“Sounds like a plan,” she said, pleased that he was planning on a next time.
Her stomach rumbled.
“It sounds like it’s time for that formal date that I promised you,” Lane said.
“I thought that lunch and the drive was the formal date,” she protested.
“Nope. Dinner is a formal date. Lunch and the drive were the build-up events.”
After they ordered he asked, “What do you like to do besides play with wild horses and fix fences?”
“I love to read. Heather Graham writes paranormal mystery slash romance books. I especially love her Krewe of Hunters series. I like John Sandford and James Patterson. I read Piers Anthony, Rick Riordan, and J.K. Rowling when I’m in the mood for fantasy, and Michael and Kathleen Gear when I want to read historical fiction. Of course, I love Tennyson and Poe, too.”
“I guess I need to show you the library at the house,” Lane said. “I have some of those authors you mentioned. I do love Poe. But then, who doesn’t?”
“Have you seen the movie,The Raven, with John Cusack in it?”
“No,” he said.
“You have to watch it if you are a Poe fan. It is one of my two favorite movies,” Taylor said.
“What’s the other one?”
“The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” Taylor said. “I love the references to the different books and literary characters.”
“I think you missed your calling. You should have been a teacher.”
“You’re the second person to tell me that in the last two days, although for different reasons. I’ll tell you the same thing I told my friend. I love the kids, but my mouth would make sure I got fired pretty quickly when it came to dealing with some of the parents and the administration.”
“You do have a bit of a temper,” he said.
“Do you think?” she asked.
They cuddled up on the couch when they got back to the cabin. His arm was around her and she snuggled against him as they watched Poe and the detective try to solve the mystery.
“Excellent movie,” he said. “It solves the mystery of Poe’s death perfectly.”
“I know, right,” Taylor said.