Lane was hoping that he would. He didn’t like to fight, but he certainly wouldn’t mind taking Anthony down a peg or two.
“You can’t fire me. You didn’t hire me,” Anthony snarled, through bared teeth.
“Actually, he can and so could Willow. We are all part owners of this ranch and have an equal say in what happens,” Lane replied coldly. “Now get moving.”
“You will regret this,” Anthony hissed at him.
“I’ve regretted a lot of things in life,” Lane said, standing completely still, hoping that Anthony would throw the first punch.
Apparently, the man knew better and he turned around and stormed to the house.
“I’m going to follow him in case he tries to start anything with Willow,” Colton said.
“You know that she could take him out. Growing up with eight brothers taught her how to hold her own in a fight,” Lane replied.
“Yeah, but I want to watch her kick his butt,” Colton said, laughing.
Taylor played with the horse for a while longer and then walked over to Lane.
“I’m sorry for the trouble with Anthony,” she said.
“That’s not your fault. That’s on him,” Lane said.
She nodded and said, “Well, I need to get ready for my evening. I’ll see you later.”
She kissed his cheek and headed toward her cabin.
He missed seeing her at dinner but applauded her for hanging out with the kids at the shelter. He couldn’t help but listen for her truck to come in at the end of the night.
Lane stared up at the ceiling. He was really starting to care about Taylor – more than he thought possible. He always believed that he would never love anyone after Catherine, but now, he believed that love was possible with Taylor.
Chapter 10: Taylor
“You do great with those kiddoes,” Ginger, the director of the shelter said.
Taylor waved at the kids who were heading upstairs to their rooms.
“They’re great kids. I’m really sad that they had to go through all the trauma that they have,” Taylor replied.
“I heard them talking. You call them your heroes.”
“I do. I tell them that they sometimes have bad days or bad experiences, but every time I come, they bring their very best selves to the table.”
“You are going to be an amazing Mom. You should think about a career in teaching,” Ginger said.
“I would if it was just the kids. But my best friend is a teacher and she tells me stories about having to deal with certain types of parents and administration. I’m afraid I just don’t have the patience for that.”
“I hear you,” Ginger laughed. She hugged Taylor and said, “Be safe going home.”
Taylor thought about Ginger’s praise on the way back to the cabin. She would love to have kids someday. She and Carl were talking about starting a family.
I wonder if Lane wants kids.Taylor banished the thought as soon as it popped into her brain.We just met and are getting to know each other.
Thoughts about Lane and their upcoming charade started whirling around in her brain. She ended up putting on a true crime show so she could focus on something besides him, their relationship, and the celebration. Taylor focused on Lt. Joe Kenda’s voice fromThe Homicide Hunterand was finally able to fall asleep.
She was glad that she bought a different dress for church when Lane picked her up the next morning. This dress was cream-colored with flowers on it. At the same time, she felt a little guilty for being vain on a Sunday.
Brother Ayhart preached about how everyone should be true to themselves, to their morals, and to their faith in God. Taylor’s thoughts exploded in a million different directions. Lying to everyone about being Lane’s fiancé was not being true to her morals or to God. On the other hand, didn’t He put this opportunity in front of her? Plus, it was just an acting job.