The cool night air clashed with the heat from the fireplace and from their bodies. Lightning flashed and thunder roared as Lane explored her mouth.
She wrapped her arms around him, her fingers splayed out across his hard muscles. Her chest heaved as she fought to catch her breath. Taylor was certain that her heart was going to explode out of her chest.
A loud buzzing noise startled them apart.
“I guess that means my shirt is dry,” he said in a husky voice. “I should get it and go home.”
For the briefest second, Taylor wanted to ask him to stay. Then, she told herself that it was way too early to be thinking that.
“I guess it does,” she replied. “Loki is probably ready to get back home, too.”
“He’d be happy where he is all night long. There is plenty of sweet grass to munch on,” Lane said.
He likely realized that his words sounded like a self-invite to stay, he quickly brushed a kiss across her lips and left.
She stared at the door for a minute, half hoping that he would come back in and they could see where things would go, while also hoping that he didn’t because she wasn’t ready for the relationship to go that far – if what they had was even a relationship.
Taylor pressed her hands to both sides of her head. It was buzzing like white noise on an old television set.
Sighing heavily, she grabbed her phone.
“What’s up?” Melissa asked.
“I don’t even know where to start.”
“At the beginning,” Melissa suggested.
“You know that I’m working for Lane Johnson and we talked about how he is an incredibly sexy man.”
“Yes. I told you it was alright to look at the menu even if you can’t afford to buy the dish.”
“Welllll,” Taylor said, raising her voice a couple of octaves. “I might have asked for a free sample.”
“You did what?”
“We went to church together on Sunday and hung out all day together. We held hands and he gave me a peck on the mouth as he left the cabin. Tonight, we were wet after rescuing a calf from the creek and he was half naked trying to dry off. He kissed me and it was enough to make my toes tingle,” Taylor confessed. “I literally had to bite my tongue to keep me from asking him to stay longer.”
“I’m not really sure what to say. On one hand, I’m glad that you are finally putting a toe in the water after Carl, but I’m a little worried about whose pond you put your toes in.”
“Love the metaphors,” Taylor laughed.
“I’m an English teacher. Quit changing the subject.”
“I know. You’re right. But he’s such a great guy. He’s sweet and smart. He also has a body that could stop a speeding train in the dead of night.”
“That good, huh?”
“All I can say is be careful with your heart. He is the first man you’ve spent any real time with since Carl died. You are in the middle of an emotional time since you just lost the ranch, which was a huge link to Carl. If you are going to sample any more of that dish, I would say proceed with extreme caution.”
“I will,” Taylor said. “I have no plans on marrying the man tomorrow.”
“Don’t jump in bed with him, either,” Melissa said, bluntly.
“I’ll do my best,” Taylor laughed.
They talked about Melissa and the fact that she just broke up with her boyfriend, who was cheating on her.