After half an hour, she had three that weren’t going to survive and ten that were on the mend.

“I hate euthanizing them. I know it’s necessary and they are better off being put out of their misery now, but I’ve always hated that part, and if it’s okay with you, I would rather not participate in that.”

“No worries,” Lane said. “I’ll take care of it and haul them off to the dead pile.”

“So, our little princess would rather not kill the animals. I thought that you were so tough and could do anything that men could do. You’re a chicken and weak. I don’t have a problem shooting them right between the eyes. They wouldn’t feel a thing,” Anthony sneered.

Lane was about to jump Anthony’s case but Taylor beat him to it.

Taylor whirled around and walked up to him. They were about an inch apart. She glared into his eyes. “Only weak pathetic men bully women. If you keep it up, I promise that you will find out exactly how weak I am. I don’t doubt that you could put an animal down without a second thought because you are a cold-hearted jerk who only cares about himself. Now step aside before I put you down,” she growled.

Anthony stepped out of her way and she stormed past him.

Lane glanced sharply at Sam and Robert who both laughed loudly and walked away.

“You had better knock it off. Your antagonistic behavior toward Taylor will stop right now, or you will be fired. I don’t care how long you’ve been here, you do not get to treat anyone with any kind of disrespect. Am I clear?” Lane said.

“You’re only sticking up for her because she’s got you wrapped around her fingers,” Anthony spat out. “You’re whipped.”

Grinding his teeth, Lane growled, “I would walk away right now if I were you.”

Anthony stomped off muttering under his breath.

Lane took care of the sick cows and hauled them off. Taylor was already putting out the bottles for the calves when he got back. He watched her for a few minutes. Colton joined him.

“I heard what happened earlier,” Colton said.

“I’m sure you did. Robert and Sam were laughing their butts off,” Lane said, shaking his head.

“They were taking bets on how long it would be before she completely knocked him out.”

“Maybe I should get in on that bet,” Lane said. “I think Anthony might have a week if his mouth keeps going.”

“I know that he’s a decent worker – not great, but decent. I also know that you’ll be short a hand, but I think that it might be in our best interest if you got rid of him. Taylor doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who would sue us for a hostile work environment or sexual harassment, but Anthony is a liability.”

“If he does it again, I’ll can him,” Lane said. “I think I’m going for a ride. I’ll see you later.”

He saddled his favorite horse, Loki, and rode around the wooded area on his land. He loved his ranch, which had a little bit of everything – hills, trees, and good pasture land. A creek meandered through the middle of it. Sometimes it was dry but during the rainy seasons, it was full and moved fast enough to carry a house downstream.

Lane was about to head home when he looked over the stream and saw Taylor waist-deep in the water. She was slowly making her way to a young calf that had somehow fallen in andgot caught in the brush. Its mother was bawling loudly from the bank.

He jumped off Loki and without even thinking, he rushed into the water. He shivered. The water was cold even if it was the middle of summer.

Taylor was trying to hold the calf still and unwrap a vine or something from one of its legs.

He grabbed the calf from her. “Get her leg.”

Finally, they were able to free the calf and he carried the animal back across the cold, rushing current. By the time he reached the other side, the calf weighed about three tons.

“Here you are, Mama. I would suggest drinking out of the stock tank from now on. It’s low enough and full enough that baby can drink without any problems,” Lane said.

Lane and Taylor herded the two back to the rest of the cattle.

“We’d be complete icicles and suffering from hypothermia if it was winter,” Lane said.

Taylor shivered and said, “Don’t I know it. Now that the sun has set, I’m about ready to freeze.”

He looked over at her and noticed how her wet shirt formed well to her body.She is an incredibly sexy woman.