Yep. You read that right.

Allison was in such a daze that she left her own apartment with Angelo still inside.

Yay, pregnancy brain.

Now, two weeks later, she found herself huffing and puffing while pacing in her living room, trying to make sense of it all. She was officially past twenty-two weeks pregnant, and soon her baby bump would be massive. Her ankles? Swollen. Showers? Probably going to need assistance for those.

Originally, she thought her brothers could help out, but Angelo was right—they’d be too busy, and honestly, she didn’t even want to ask.

She could turn to Amira, her recently-reconnected best friend, but burdening her with all these pregnancy problems seemed unfair.

That left Angelo. The only person available 24/7. And shehatedthat he was right.

Her mind was a chaotic mess of “what ifs” and scenarios she needed to shut down, fast. There was only one person she could turn to when her brain spun out like this:

Amira Davis.


Hey, you free?

The reply came almost immediately.


For you? Always

What’s up babe?


I need your help with something. Can you be at my apartment in 30?


I’ll be there in 15 ;)

Allison let out a huge sigh of relief.One problem down.

Next up: food.

After a quick call to her doctor and a thorough Google search, she had officially found out the trick to keeping food down a few days ago: small, frequent, protein-packed meals. The only downside? Her cooking skills were lacking.

But since it was noon and she had company on the way, she was determined to try making something semi-edible.


Fifteen minutes later, true to her word, Amira was buzzing Allison’s door. The not-so-delicious chicken stir-fry Allison had attempted was nearly done, meaning they’d be eating soon—whether or not it would begoodwas another story.

She wiped her hands on a pink kitchen towel, her trusty sidekick in all culinary misadventures, and buzzed Amira in. As she waited for her friend to trek up to her floor, her mind whirled.

Shit. How did I get here?

A year ago, life was simple: stable job, nice apartment, and no surprise nights out. Now? Pregnant, half-cooking something that might qualify as a fire hazard, and contemplating the insane idea of moving in with AngelofuckingTaylor.

What the hell happened?

A knock yanked her out of her thoughts. She rushed to the door, revealing Amira standing there looking like her usual beautiful self, all smiles, holding a bottle of sparkling water and a bag that suspiciously looked like it held emergency snacks.