“I’m sorry, Allison,” he whispered. She tensed up, bracing herself for whatever was coming next. “That shouldn’t have happened, especially not in front of Johnathan. He’s your eldest brother and…”

She stopped listening.

It took everything she had not to burst into laughter because—what the shit?Was Angelo actually worried about her brother seeing them?

She’d grown up with three older brothers—good-looking ones, no less, as much as it grossed her out to think of them that way. She’d seen more PDA from them than she ever needed to, and they’d all caught her in compromising situations too. It was just a part of growing up in her family.


And Angelo hadn’t even been kissing her, despite how it had felt in that moment. She knew her brothers wouldn’t handle it well, given their overprotective nature, but she didn’t care. She was a grown woman.

Allison tuned back into Angelo’s monologue just in time for his grand finale.

“…and I just wanted to apologize for my behavior during lunch.” His breathing was heavy, making her torn between wanting to coo at his vulnerability or feeling all hot and bothered—damn pregnancy hormones.

Before he could continue, Allison interjected. “Angelo, calm down. John is a grown man and I’m an adult. I’m sure the fact that I’m literally pregnant with your child has given him a clue about what might have happened between us.”

Although he would never know the details—because, ew, he’s my brother—if he ever did find out, his brain might start leaking out of his ears.

“I know that, sweet girl, but—”

“Don’t worry about it,” Allison interrupted. Hearing that nickname was taking advantage of her beating vagina-heart. “He’s not the type of man to hold himself back. If he had a problem, he would’ve told you. Or maybe just punched your face into a bloody pulp.”

She heard him huff and managed a small chuckle. This big, bad man was acting like a toddler, and it was kind of endearing.

“Fine,” Angelo said, and she could almost see him rolling his gorgeous deep brown eyes. “If you’re sure.”

“I am.” Her confidence surged, masking the arousal she was feeling.

Angelo cleared his throat and continued. “The doctor’s appointment is in a few weeks, right?” Her heart skipped a beat—he remembered. It made sense, considering how attentive he seemed to be—plus, you know, it is his baby—but her smile stretched dangerously wide.

“Yeah, January 24th.” She tried to calm her racing heart. She could handle the hormones, but this felt different—almost like…

Not going there.

“We just have to get through the holidays.”

“Okay. Text me your address. I’ll pick you up when it’s time.” Angelo’s commanding tone returned, and she was grateful for it. She didn’t want to admit it, but she missed it.

“I can drive myself, Mr. Taylor,” she replied with a hint of defiance, as she always had been independent.

Also, because she loved their banter.

“Allison,” he growled. She tensed up, shivering as a different kind of thrill coursed through her. “I’m picking you up. I won’t take no for an answer.”

She managed to keep her voice steady. “Okay.”

“Good girl.”

She froze.

She stopped breathing.

She might have just ascended to Heaven.

She didn’t know what she was doing, only that she needed him to say that again. So, she did the only logical thing—she hung up.

Eventually, she would text him her address, but for now, she tossed her phone onto the bed and wrapped herself back up in her comforter. Picking up her Kindle, she tried to immerse herself in her billionaire romance while attempting to forget another billionaire’s influence on her.