A very simple, yet significant problem arose once the hostess showed their little group to the reserved table: where would Allison sit?

Naturally, Angelo and Johnathan positioned themselves directly across from each other—perfect for maintaining their ongoing glaring contest.

Since the table was rectangular, Allison had two options: she could sit next to her brother or next to Angelo. Either choice would seem like picking sides, which would only heighten the already unbearable tension between the two men.

Decisions, decisions.

Refusing to get caught in their brewing storm, Allison took a deep breath and waved over a waiter, politely requesting an additional chair be placed at the head of the unnecessarily long table.

Of course, that meant she was now quite literally sitting in the middle of the two men. But at least this way, she had the illusion of control over the situation.

Seriously, this whole dilemma could have been avoided if the table had just been square.

A second waiter appeared within moments, assisting them with the process of ordering without even presenting them with a menu.

After a few—very long, painfully awkward—minutes of Angelo and Johnathan glaring at each other while Allison pretended not to notice, they finally had a moment of relative peace.

She could practically feel the tension in the air, thick enough to cut with a knife, and she was getting increasingly annoyed at the men’s relentless stare down.

Seriously? These are supposed to be two grown businessmen, not middle schoolers in a staring contest.

Needing a distraction, she let her eyes wander around the restaurant. Johnathan had sworn this place had some of the best food and service in Seattle, and she could see why it was his favorite. The dark green wallpaper with white accents, the leather booths discreetly tucked into corners, and the overall sophisticated vibe gave the place an air of intimacy, whether you were seated at a hidden booth or plopped right in the middle of the room. Soft, warm lights hovered over each table like little halos, adding a modern touch, while the plush, dark carpeting made everything feel just a bit more luxurious.

Yep. I can see why John likes it. It’s pretentious in just the right way.

Just as she was starting to appreciate the ambiance, her brother’s voice snapped her back to reality. “Care to explain what the hell is happening, Allison?”

Ah, there it is,she thought, internally rolling her eyes.Reality comes crashing back in.

“Like I told you, I have something to discuss with you. Something private, so you can’t tell the boys or Dad.EspeciallyDad.” Allison gave her brother a pointed look, trying to convey the gravity of the situation.

“If this is a private family matter, then that piece of filth shouldn’t be here,” Johnathan shot back, matching her glare with one of his own.

Green locked on green.

Her eyes were a deeper shade than Johnathan’s, but they were the only two who had inherited their mother’s striking green eyes. Leopold had their father’s brown eyes, while Frederick had inherited both—a green eye and a brown eye—something their mother always referred to as “the best of both worlds.”

Physically, Allison and Johnathan didn’t really look much like siblings. Their wavy hair, similar noses, and matching eyes were about where the resemblance ended. But spend a few minutes alone with the two of them, and there would be no doubt they were related—if not by appearance, then definitely by attitude.

“There’s a reason why he’s here, Johnathan. And he has a name.” Allison’s voice remained calm, but inside, a storm was brewing. She couldn’t stand it when her brothers slipped into overprotective mode.

“I know exactly who he is, Sister. What I don’t know is why the hell you were practically making out with him in the parking lot, in the middle of the day, like afucking teenager. Especially in your condition.” Johnathan shot a suspicious glance at Angelo, clearly assuming he was unaware of her situation. Her brother was about to find out just how wrong he was.

“That is none of your business, John. In case you forgot, I am a grown woman.” Allison raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms in front of her, her posture daring him to challenge her.

She was acutely aware of Angelo’s gaze fixed on her profile from the corner of her eye. For the epic showdown about to unfold, she chose to pretend she didn’t notice.

Johnathan took a furious breath, but just then, their waiter arrived with their food.

Thank you, Jesus.

Allison’s chicken Alfredo looked absolutely delectable. Given that she was growing a human, she dove in with gusto, clearly showcasing the manners she currently lacked.

Johnathan cleared his throat, supposedly trying to make her slow down, but she didn’t give a single flying fuck. Nobody was getting between her and her food. Nobody.

Angelo chuckled softly, and Allison felt her cheeks flush. She wasn’t embarrassed—she was a mid-size woman who loved food and appreciated her curves. But she had forgotten she wasn’t supposed to be this comfortable around him, so she reluctantly slowed down, trying not to look like a starved hyena.

She decided she had tortured her brother enough onlyafterfinishing her meal. Taking a few sips of water, she immediately drew Johnathan’s attention.