Angelo racked his brain until a suitable excuse finally presented itself. He decided to stick to half-truths. “Not all businessmen are clean, Allison. Some have quite a bit of mud on their transactions, and my investigator is the best at uncovering that.”

She hummed thoughtfully, and Angelo felt his pants grow tighter at the sound. It traveled from the phone to his brain, making his blood rush south in seconds.

Angelo hurried on before she could dwell on his honestly insufficient reasoning. “Just… promise me you’ll keep me updated, okay? I don’t want to feel this way again,” he said, his voice laced with concern.

“Promise,” she assured him, and he could hear her smile through the phone.

God, I would give anything to see that smile right now.

“Good.” Angelo nodded to himself, heaving a breath as her reply registered. “Good,” he repeated subconsciously, his voice lower this time.

“Okay, now that the fire is out,” Allison started, humor evident in her voice, “I need to lie down for a while because I’m exhausted. Goodnight, Angelo.”

“Of course,” he nodded even though she couldn’t see him. “Goodnight.”Sleep well, my sweet girl, he didn’t say.

Angelo chuckled at his inner thoughts and threw his phone on the couch.

He finally felt a sense of calm wash over him after hours of tension. He let out a long sigh, his shoulders dropping lower with each exhale. A headache began to throb at his temples, prompting him to rub his eyes gently, trying to ease the pressure.

I need a shower. And sleep.

As he made his way to his ensuite bathroom, thoughts of Allison floated through his mind, lingering on the call they had just ended. After hours of wondering where she was, he’d finally heard her voice again. Her sweet, soft voice that he’d missed more than he realized. Relief had flooded through him when she explained her absence. But the worry now turned to something deeper—anxiety over the life they had created together.

Angelo turned on the water, steam quickly rising and filling the small space with warmth. He watched as the tiles glistened under the cascading droplets, a stark contrast to the turmoil swirling in his mind. He stepped under the spray, letting the hot water wash over him, hoping it could rinse away his doubts and worries.

The truth loomed in his thoughts: they were expecting a baby. He’d known it for a while now, and it was still surreal. He thought of the excitement and fear in Allison’s voice when they first talked about it, how she had asked him to be there, tobe present. And he wanted that, he just didn’t know how. He needed more than coffee runs and doctor appointments.

Angelo ran his fingers through his hair, letting the water stream down his face. He closed his eyes, envisioning the future. Would he be a good father? Could he support them both? The questions felt heavy, intensifying the steady thumping in his head.

After rinsing off the remnants of the day, he turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping himself in a towel. The cool air hit his skin, snapping him back to reality. He dried off, taking a moment to glance at himself in the mirror, searching for some clarity in his reflection.

He shook his head, chocolate curls falling down his forehead at the movement. This wasn’t the time for him to be having philosophical questions.

The phone call had been a small step forward, but he knew that he needed to take more. With a deep breath, he resolved to reach out to her again, to talk about his idea, to be present for both her and the child.

With that thought settling in his mind, he made his way to his bedroom, ready to embrace whatever sleep could offer him—if only for a moment. As he lay down in his cool black sheets, he tried to push aside the stress and uncertainty, allowing himself to drift into the hope of what tomorrow could bring.

Angelo was certain he was going insane.

It had been almost a week since his little meltdown over Allison’s short absence, and he spent his days at the office, fussing over every document that needed his signature andapproval, while trying—and failing—to push Allison out of his mind.

He made sure to check on her and the baby every day, but that only meant every breath, every blink, every twitch of his muscles brought him back to her.

Though his thoughts had stopped racing with danger scenarios, it was still filled with swirling possibilities. The most prominent thought tugged at him:What if she needs help with something?

He knew, deep down, that Allison was fiercely independent, likely unaccustomed to asking for assistance. Yet, the desire to support her was strong, and he was determined to make his thoughts of that night true. He wanted to be present in a way that actually mattered.

As he read over a paragraph for the umpteenth time, his mind struggled to find a concrete way to be there for Allison. It kept getting caught on memories of their time together—how she said his name with that particular lilt, the soft snickers that escaped her lips, the warmth he could hear in her voice whenever she smiled.

Would asking her to move in with him be too much?

It definitely would be.

Angelo really only wanted her nearby, to know she was safe, to take care of her and their baby. A sense of responsibility weighed heavily on his heart. Despite the tumultuous relationship his parents had endured, they had instilled in him values he held dear. His father had taught him what it meant to be a true man: to respect and protect the woman by his side, to care for her deeply, and to nurture his children.

Angelo remembered the lessons his father had imparted, the way he’d always emphasized the importance of being there for family. His father had been an excellent example, steadfast and unwavering, always prioritizing his loved ones despite his flaws.

I can be that man, he thought, determination swelling within him. He envisioned Allison and their child in his life, a family he could protect and cherish. The thought brought a sense of clarity amid the uncertainty swirling in his mind.