She supposed a simple request for coffee might be good, although that was assuming Amira actually replied. If she refused, at least Allison had tried. And if she accepted… Well, Allison doubted she’d get a positive response, but in the slim chance that she did, she’d figure out what she would do along the way.

Pulling up Amira’s contact—which she simply refused to delete—she took a deep breath, and moved her fingers.


Hi, Ami. I know it’s been a long time, but I was wondering if you would like to grab some coffee with me soon? xx

Allison scoffed at her own text. Amira had always claimed that using proper punctuation when texting was a waste of time and negated the purpose of texting. Still, she hit send and put her phone back in her pocket, pushing it out of her mind.

Just as she was about to head into the kitchen to get some snacks, Allison heard the sound of a droplet falling. A notification on her phone.

Oh fuck. Did she reply already?

She opened the text thread, frozen on her spot, just outside the kitchen.


Hi Ali! Im really busy these days sry

Allison sighed as she read the text. Dejected, she typed a reply, but didn’t send it as she saw bubbles. Amira was typing.


Maybe in a few weeks tho?

Suddenly, Allison squealed, unable to contain the sound. She hadn’t really thought that Amira would even consider meeting up with her, be it for coffee or even a walk in the park.

She quickly typed her reply and hit send, at the edge of her proverbial seat.

She waited. And waited. And waited some more. Ten minutes later, Amira had not replied. Allison deflated.

Maybe she’s busy right now?

When she still didn’t have a reply fifteen minutes later, she actually wentintothe kitchen, determined to get some snacks. It didn’t matter that she would barf it up later.

She picked up a bag of oregano chips—wavy, of course—and sat down on her cloudy couch.

Allison cast her gaze outside, seeing the moody, dark skyline of Seattle and sighed.

Seems like a Harry Potter kind of day.

Three hours later, Allison had watched the first Harry Potter and an episode of Friends, because her brain couldn’t shut up enough for her to focus on her favorite magical characters.

Right as she was about to press play on the next episode, her phone blipped from its place on the couch next to her.

Oh, crap. It’s her.

Taking a deep breath, she opened up the text thread.


Sure lets go to our old place! Friday in 2 weeks sound good?Around 6?


Sure, no problem. See you then!

Okay, cool. Very nonchalant. Well done Ali.