Allison shifted on the couch beside him, and Angelo immediately felt the loss of her warmth. She had moved away, likely trying to avoid provoking her brothers further, but the distance felt like miles. Just moments ago, her thigh had pressed against his, radiating warmth that seeped through his jeans and settled deep in his bones. Her hand had rested so close to his that the slightest movement could bridge the gap. Each breath she took had brushed her honey-blonde waves against his shoulder, a teasing reminder of her nearness. Her bump, a sweet, rounded curve, practically begged for his hand to rest on it, to stake his claim, to silently say that this was his family.

He needed her touch. Hell, he just neededher.

But despite the deep ache in his chest, he managed to keep his hands to himself. Instead, he focused on what was happening around him.

“…and now here we are,” Allison finished recounting their story, and Angelo realized he’d zoned out. He’d been so focusedon not reaching out to pull her back that he’d missed the past few minutes.

He glanced across the room and met a pair of icy, duochrome eyes, as if they were trying to penetrate his very soul.

Fucking Frederick Lockwood.

Angelo recalled Allison’s story about her mother’s love for colors and wondered what color Frederick might be. He suspected blue—cold, detached, and probably the kind of guy who’d make a glacier seem warm.

Leopold, who had been eerily quiet until now, finally spoke up. “So, what’s the plan, then?” His calm voice carried an edge that made Angelo’s skin prickle.

Allison took a deep breath. “The plan is that we’re going to figure this out together. Like adults. Angelo and I are going to raise this baby, and you two are going to have to accept that.”

Frederick looked like he was about to argue, but Leopold held up a hand, stopping him. “Fine,” Leopold said, his eyes locked on Angelo. “But if you hurt her—”

“He won’t,” Allison interrupted, cutting off the threat. “Because if he does, you two won’t have to worry about it. I’ll handle him myself.”

Fuck, yes you will, sweet girl.

Her fire had returned, igniting something deep within Angelo. He saw it in her eyes, in the way she straightened her posture, determination hardening her spine. Even the way she pressed her legs together caught his attention—though he’d rather they were clenched for a very different reason.

Her claws were out.

She’d look so hot in a Catwoman suit—NO. Not going there.

“You’re serious? My niece or nephew—”

“Niece,” Allison interrupted Frederick, the single word halting him mid-sentence. His eyes widened as he processed what she’dsaid, and for a heartbeat, he seemed frozen. Then, as if shaken awake, he snapped out of it, his body stiffening.

“Niece?” His voice came out softer now, almost tentative, a stark contrast to the man who had been shouting moments ago. Angelo couldn’t help but feel like he might get whiplash from the sudden shift.

Allison nodded, and Angelo followed suit, the two of them exchanging a glance as the atmosphere in the room began to change. The tension that had filled the space moments earlier started to dissipate. The brothers’ eyes were drawn to Allison’s baby bump, prominently displayed by the her cropped sweater.

Angelo silently thanked every deity and angel in the sky for her outfit, just as he always did with this woman.

“It’s a… You’re having a girl?” Leopold repeated, his voice barely above a whisper as if saying it louder would make it too real. The shock was evident in his eyes, the earlier worries about fatherhood seemingly forgotten.

“Yes,” Allison confirmed, her hand instinctively moving to rest on her belly, a small, serene smile playing on her lips.

“It’s a fucking girl!”

Frederick was the first to react, jumping up and practically tackling his sister in a hug. No surprise there—Frederick always led with his emotions, it seemed. “Congratulations, Ali,” he whispered in her ear, his voice a gentle contrast to the man who, just minutes ago, seemed ready to alert every cop in the area with his shouting. Seeing him like this, Angelo couldn’t help but think that Frederick seemed more normal—more human—when he wasn’t being consumed by fear or anger.

Allison melted into her brothers’ embrace as Leopold joined in, wrapping them all in a group hug. Angelo stood back, watching as the tension visibly drained from Allison’s body. He could see the tightness in her shoulders ease, the anxiety she’d been carrying leaving her with a deep, heaving breath.

Suddenly, Angelo found himself in awe of this woman. This twenty-eight-year-old woman who had grown up in a house full of men, without a mother figure to guide her; this incredible woman who, upon discovering she was pregnant, had immediately stepped up to protect her unborn child from everyone—even him, at times. This amazing woman who, despite her fears about her brothers’ reactions, had never let a single crack show in her resolve.

This woman, who in that moment, looked very much like his future wife.

Fuck. What am I thinking?

Angelo almost shook himself, but something unseen held him back. Somewhere between the tension in his car and this very moment, something had shifted within him. He was still afraid—terrified, really—of the intensity of his feelings, still unsure of what this need, this burn, truly meant. But if Angelo was anything, he was decisive and absolute when it came to his choices.

And so, he made a plan.