Max ignored all commands, attempting to chase whatever caught her attention. Hugo shortened the leash, trying to gain control over the rambunctious puppy. Max relented, standing at attention, chest out, nose pointed, and tail wagging. Watching. Guarding.

Hugo gathered his composure, looking back to the alcove that years before held Elizabeth’s emerald green dress—the tree now barren of leaves. Its gray branches twisted up to the partially clouded skies. Brown and yellow leaves piled over its roots. Hugo’s back shivered from the chilly wind as it whisked the pile deeper into the woods, like discarded memories of a past long forgotten. Hugo gave out a quick breath and continued walking as Max pulled ahead.

He paused. The outline of a familiar black wool hat emerged from around the bend—its curved point was unmistakable. The purple hair bounced with every gleeful step. An unzipped black leather jacket covered a white blouse. The black and purple plaid dress sashayed with her every movement. Black tights matched the thick-soled boots, and a pumpkin shaped bag bounced off her hip.

Hugo couldn’t help but stare. Each step was an eternity. His eyes widened. A lump formed in his throat.

Please don’t talk to me.

He stood waiting. Frozen. Enraptured. Max tugged to greet the stranger, but Hugo held her back. He could hurry past her, never having to say more than a simple greeting. His body stood paralyzed by her sight. His heart beat faster and faster—his eyes mesmerized by her purple lips.

‘You might enjoy yourself,’ Oliver Raskin’s words from a week ago echoed through his mind.

“Well, hello, Hugo Dodds,” Alice said as she approached, stopping within an arm’s length of Hugo. With a mischievous smile, she pulled on the strap of her purse.

“Fancy meeting you here.”

“I saw you going for a walk and decided to follow to see what mischief the two of you were up to,” Alice retorted with a sly smile. “You sure do take a lot of them.”

“Are you spying on me?” Hugo asked with a chuckle.

“Do you want me to?” She tilted her head and batted her emerald green eyes.

Hugo paused. “Not what I asked.”

“But is it what you wanted to hear?” Alice swayed back and forth.

Words failed Hugo.

Alice squatted down in front of Max, rubbing her chin and ears. “How’s my good girl doing today?”

Max’s tail thrashed violently against Hugo’s leg.

“She’s being her usual pain in the butt self,” Hugo replied.

“Aww,” Alice said. “She’s not a pain in the butt, are you?”

Max smiled as Alice continued to scratch her head.

“Do you have any pets?” Hugo asked.

“Umm. Sort of.” She stood up, inching her way closer to Hugo, and smiled.

His back tightened from nervous anticipation at her close proximity. He wanted her to move closer and yet step away.

“At least, he thinks he’s a dog.”

“Thinks he’s a dog?” Hugo asked. “A cat that thinks he’s a dog?”

“No. No… No cat,” Alice replied. “He grew up around dogs on a horse farm. He acts like a dog at times. Part horse, part dog.”

“Ah. A horse.”

“Something like that.”

“Never took you as a rider, but I guess if it fits…” He winked at her.

“Fits what?” Alice inquired, turning a curious ear toward Hugo.