“It’s so I… I mean, we… can catch ourselves before falling off. And so our feet aren’t dangling. Lightweight so it won’t weigh Gally down. It connects right to the seat. I had it specially made.”

Alice removed the footrest from the package. Galahad touched it to more closely examine the Christmas gift. He flew out of the second entryway, down the hall, back through the living room, and down the hallway once more. He increased his speed with every pass.

“Okay. Okay. Okay!” Alice shouted to calm him down. “Come here, and I’ll put it on for you.”

Galahad flew to Alice, bobbing up and down with the patience of an overstimulated child.

“I think he likes it,” Hugo said.

“Stay still,” Alice commanded.

Galahad did as instructed. She attached the footrest to the bolts under the seat and tightened the nuts.

“There. Now go show it off.”

Galahad continued his circuit. Max, excited with the squeaking of a new toy, followed Galahad. The two of them raced around the house.

“Kids!” Alice said as she turned back to Hugo. “So excited at Christmas time.”

Hugo laughed. “Merry Christmas, Alice Primrose.”

“Merry Christmas, Hugo Dodds.”

They leaned in closer and kissed. This was the only Christmas gift Hugo really wanted. He pulled Alice closer to him, but she pulled away.

“I almost forgot.”


“Gifts from Santa!” She stood up and rushed over to the mantle. She dug into her purple and black colored stocking.

“Did you do this?”

“Shush,” Alice said as she covered her mouth with her free index finger. “Go check yours.”

Hugo begrudgingly stood and schlepped over to his stocking. He was willing to play along with her little game. Alice pulled out a small cookie box, neatly wrapped with a purple ribbon. With a tug, the ribbon released the box from its protective hold. She opened the flap to reveal the delectable delights hidden within. Alice let out a giddy joyful sound before removing one of the cookies and taking a bite. She moaned with excitement. A moan Hugo sort of recognized from somewhere else.

“Everything okay over there?”

Alice removed the half bitten cookie and shoved it into Hugo’s mouth. “Eat it,” Alice ordered.

Time stood still. For a brief moment, Hugo could see sound and hear colors. With each bite of the cookie, the world came alive with invigorating energy. He knew joy. He knew happiness. He knew fulfillment. He knew peace.

Alice’s aura radiated with a multicolored glow he had never seen before. He chewed and chewed. Each bite brought him new sensations. Shivers ran down his back, and his arms tingled. His hair stood up. He wanted to run a marathon. Every muscle twinged. His body was alive and full of energy. For a moment, he thought he washaving a stroke. He swallowed the cookie, and everything returned to normal.

“What was that?” Hugo asked, feeling like he needed to catch his breath.

“That”—Alice began as she wiped away the remaining cookie crumbs from her chin—“was one of Holly Claus’ special cookies infused with the joy of Christmas magick. She sends at least one every year.”

“Do you have any more?”

“Nope. Just the one. The rest are chocolate chip.” Alice pulled out another cookie and shoved it into her mouth. Mumbling though a mouthful of cookie, she added, “Check yours.”

Hugo delved into his. He could feel a square, wooden object down at the bottom of his traditional red stocking with white fuzzy trim. He pulled out the object to reveal a black onyx colored wooden box. The same color as his wedding ring.

The box was masterfully crafted. Chamfered edging all the way around. Perfectly stained wood. Seamless in design. A nearly perfect cube, except for a groove in the middle of one side to indicate where to open the box. Hugo hadn’t even noticed it was cut in half until he lifted the lid.

Inside, a neatly folded piece of paper hid a circular indentation. It had a slightly raised middle as if it was designed to hold something in place. A similar indentation was on the inside of the lid.