Alice’s eyes glistened. A solitary tear ran down her face; she quickly wiped it away. “I love them,” she mustered in a hushed tone.
“For a moment, I thought—”
“This is the best Christmas present I’ve ever received. Thank you.”
Hugo smiled. “I’m glad you like it.”
Alice placed them back in the box. She shoved Galahad off her lap before diving under the tree. She reemerged with a small, rectangular package about the size of her hand. She handed it to Hugo.
“Open,” she commanded. “I was going to wait, but now seems appropriate.”
Hugo carefully removed the tape from the folded corners. UnlikeAlice, he wanted to take his time and savor opening his special gift. He removed the paper to reveal a flat, white box designed to hold jewelry.
The air flowed up inside the box as it rushed to fill in the space when the two sides separated. Purple tissue paper stood between him and his special Christmas gift. He peeled back a corner. He relished the anticipation of what could be inside.
“Hurry up and open it,” Alice blurted.
“I’m savoring this moment.”
“Savor faster.”
Hugo pulled back the paper to reveal an antique, brass door key. The toothy end was offset with two open circles merging to form a heart shape. Odd marks were etched into the key shaft. He examined it closer. It was surprisingly heavy for its diminutive size. It wasn’t like any key he had seen before. It was well worn and weathered—it had clearly been used a few times.
Hugo was a little confused. “Is this a key to your wine cellar?”
“Better,” she replied. She motioned to the front door. “That door, when shut, can only be opened from the outside with a special key. There are three of them. I have one. Ez has another. And now you.”
Hugo’s eyes snapped to Alice, wide with shock. He was at a loss for words.
“I hope you like it.”
“I’ll…” he started as he shoved it into his pajama pocket. “I’ll guard it with my life. Thank you.”
“You don’t have to be that dramatic,” Alice said before she tore into a new package. “It’s just a key.” She winked at him.
“Oh, it’s more thanjusta key.”
They finished opening their gifts.
“I have a gift for Max.” Alice handed Hugo a small round package.
Hugo ripped open the paper to reveal a plush, black cauldron dog toy with a bubbly green top and cloth flames sewn to the bottom. He squeaked it a few times. Max nearly knocked Hugo over as she attempted to take it from him. He relinquished it, and she sprintedthroughout the house, squeaking away at her newly acquired toy. Her toenails clacked across the hardwood floor.
“Every witch needs her own cauldron. I called Nick and asked him to make it special,” Alice said.
“Santa Claus.”
“Oh. Right,” he replied as he dug under the tree. “And I have a gift for Gally.”
Galahad bounced around the room with delight.
“Look at you, Hugo,” Alice said with a smile. “A gift for a broomstick.”
“Honestly, it’s a gift for all three of us.”
Alice ripped into the package as soon as he passed it over. Galahad waited with bated breath at the big reveal. Alice opened the box to find a mountable footrest.