Johanna turned and proceeded toward it, not in a hurry, but cautious. She held the anti-magick wand out in front, ready to strike. The tip pointed toward the door. Her steps carefully placed. Her eyes shifted from the door to the window and then back to the door. Always cautious. Always vigilant.
Another knock echoed through the entryway and living room. Johanna went to grab the doorknob, but stopped short.
“Who is it?” Johanna called out.
A muffled voice spoke, “It’s Alice. From across the street. We have a gift for you.”
Johanna paused and thought,We? No. That’s her trick. Her trick to get you. Johanna gripped the wand tighter. The ridges indented into her hand. She moved to the side of the door. Sure of her aim, the tip of the wand was ready.
Johanna used her other hand to unlock the deadbolt and then gripped the doorknob.
“Just a moment,” she yelled back. She took a deep breath and rotated the silver knob. Johanna exhaled and then yanked the door open.
Her eyes widened as standing in the doorway was not Alice, but Hugo looking toward someone out of her view. She pulled the wand back and stuffed it into her pocket.
“Hugo,” Johanna said in shocked amazement. She opened the door further and stood in the threshold. “What a nice surprise.”
“We brought you something,” Hugo said.
“Merry Christmas, Johanna,” Alice followed.
She handed Johanna the small, red box. Johanna laid her eyes on the box, trying to decide if she should take it or not.
The pause lingered.
“It’s homemade sugar cookies,” Hugo said. “Not as elaborate as Elizabeth used to make, but we thought we’d continue the tradition in her memory.”
“It took us three attempts to make them. We kept getting… interrupted,” Alice said. “We made them with that extra Christmas magick.” Alice winked at Hugo.
Johanna stood there, caught off guard by the gesture. “I…” Johanna began as she took the box. “I don’t know what to say.”
Hugo smiled. “It’s been a tough year for both of us. I thought maybe a little cookie exchange could help to make the season bright.”
“I wasn’t expecting this.” Johanna raised her eyes from the box to Hugo. “I don’t have anything to give you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Hugo said. “Keeping Elizabeth’s tradition alive is good enough for us.”
Alice added, “It was all Hugo’s idea.”
“Thank you. Thank you for honoring her memory. I hope you continue to do so.”
“The Raskins are coming over to my house for Christmas dinner. We’d be honored if you joined us,” Hugo said.
Johanna’s mouth dropped. First, cookies, and now an invitation for Christmas dinner. She never expected a Christmas invitation. She was at a loss for words. She focused on the box of cookies. The fleeting thought of accepting crossed her mind. Johanna glimpsed Alice’s pointed hat, and the words came flooding back. “I appreciate the gesture, but I already have plans on Christmas. I’m seeing some friends. Out of town.”
“That’s okay,” Hugo responded. “Maybe next year.”
“I really do appreciate everything,” Johanna said. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Merry Christmas,” Hugo said.
He winked at Alice and blew her a kiss. They turned, locked hands, and strolled back toward the purple house.
Johanna watched them cross the street before shutting the front door. She opened the cardboard box to peer at the yellowish cookies held within. She removed one and took a bite. The sugary goodness melted in her mouth. She was taken aback by how good they tasted. Almost as good as the ones Elizabeth used to make, but still not quite.
Johanna set the box down on the table next to her tea cup as she proceeded to return the wand to its drawer. She went to the window, drew open the curtains, and returned to her duties as she sat in her wingback chair. She opened the box and took out the half-eaten cookie to take another bite.
Chapter 18