“You let him nameyourbroomstick?”

“Yes. He named it before he flew on it.”

Esmerelda nearly dropped the wine bottle onto the stone floor. “Heflewon your broom?”

“And fell off and almost died.”

“He almostdied?” Esmerelda buried her head into her free hand. “Alice, you have to stop being this impulsive to anyone who shows the slightest bit of interest in you. We can’t keep doing this.”

Alice’s eyes locked onto the wooden vats elevated above the floor. She paused, thinking about the night a few weeks ago. That fantastic night of sexual pleasure and relief. The night that even now sent a tantalizing chill through her body, right down to her soul. She glanced back at Esmerelda. She prepared for the onslaught that was about to occur. “We made love.”

“Youwhat?” Esmerelda said with a rising anger.

“Hugo was helping me make wine. He wanted to make some using the old-fashioned stomping technique. He leaned in to kiss me. One thing led to another and—”

“Alice!” Esmerelda pressed her fingers againsther forehead.

“I think I lo—” Alice stopped herself from saying the full word. “I really like him.”

“Well, I certainly hope so, kiddo. I hope so,” Esmerelda responded.

Alice dropped her eyes to the ground to hide her disappointment.

“Does he know about the spell?” Esmerelda asked.

Alice focused on her workstation. Her eyes locked on the hidden drawer in the stone wall. “He wouldn’t know what to do with it if he did,” Alice replied.

“Let’s keep it that way,” she said as she shoved the bottle back onto the rack. “If you are going to continue to see him, you’re on your own if anything happens. There is no moving. There is no hiding. There is nothing. I can’t afford it again.”

Alice’s hands trembled. Her lips quivered. She thought back to the night in the backyard. Coming to Hugo’s defense at the Raskin’s market. Hugo inviting her to the festival. Hugo making love to her. How Hugo made her feel like it was okay to be who she was.

I made the right choice.

Alice composed herself, stood tall, shoulders back, chest puffed out. “I’m willing to risk it.”

“I hope you’re right, kiddo,” Esmerelda said. “I hope you’re right, for your sake.”

Later that night,Hugo and Alice gathered in her living room. Max slept in front of the crackling fire. They sat on her red velvet couch; each occasionally took a sip from their wineglass. “You know, watching this on a TV isn’t the same experience,” Hugo said.

“People watch fireplaces on TV?” Alice asked.

“Oh yeah,” Hugo replied. “Big industry. You have different fireplace types. You can have different music playing in the background. Not to mention holiday themes.”

“Where’s thecoziness of that fire?”

“It’s all part of the magic,” Hugo said before he took a sip of wine. “That’s magic with aC, by the way.”

“Well, I prefer the real thing.”

Alice took a sip of wine and then placed her glass on the coffee table. She snuggled against Hugo. He placed his arm around her to comfort her. He played with her vibrant purple hair.

“You should let Galahad down here to enjoy this.”

“I keep him up there so people won’t see him.”

“You have this house well-guarded. I think he’ll be okay every once in a while.”

Alice repositioned her head so she could hear the beating of his heart. “I could think about it.”