Galahad nudged forth. Max flailed her paws on the hardwood surface as she tried to escape the horror of yet another cleaning object trying to get her.

Hugo entered the bedroom and whistled. “Both of you. In!”

They did as they were told, and Hugo shut the door.

Max ran and dove under the bed to hide from the floating object. Galahad followed by sticking its handle under as well. Max whimpered.

“Be good, you two,” he commanded as he entered the bathroom.

His hand combed through the darkness to find the light switch before resting on the plastic knob. With a flick of his fingers, he fought back against the darkness of the bathroom.

The aroma of linen, rosemary, and lavender washed over him.Unlit candles, with their trail of melted wax like gnarled fingers, were scattered throughout the room. Each towel was folded neatly and in its proper place. A far contrast to the mildew smell of his somewhat decently cleaned bathroom. He made a mental note to clean out the bathroom trash can when he got a chance. He strolled to the toilet and lifted the seat.

“Now I see what she sees in you,” a familiar voice echoed, causing Hugo to pause. “Don’t stop on my account.”

“Are you offering to help?”

“If only I could.”

Hugo turned around, perplexed. The room was empty. “Alice?”

“She’s still downstairs, lover boy,” the voice responded.

“Is this some kind of trick?”

“Well, sort of…” her voice trailed off.

Hugo crept toward the mirror, each step soft and surefooted on the tile bathroom floor. He peered into the mirror and saw not his reflection, but Alice’s, staring back at him. Her reflection winked and blew him a kiss.

“Are you spying on me now?” Hugo asked with a sly smile.

“Not exactly. I’m her inner thoughts. Her feelings. Her… personal therapy session. I’m her reflection.”

“Like herliteralreflection?”

“Yep. I know all. I see all. I feelall! Like that little soiree the two of you had the other night.” She leaned closer as if to whisper a secret. “Do you want to know what she really thought?” Alice’s reflection winked at Hugo.

“That, um, feels rather, um…” His words failed him in that moment. The tantalizing thought of knowing Alice’s innermost personal thoughts and feelings was an opportunity too good to pass up. Still… He paused and gathered himself. “That feels like an invasion of her privacy.”

“Good,” Alice’s reflection stated as she leaned away from the mirror. “You passed the test.”

“So, I’m being tested now?”

“You’re always tested, Hugo Dodds.” She crossed her arms with a stern look. “Never fail one of hers.”

“Good to know.”

Three distinct knocks rattled up the staircase walls and into the bedroom. Max emerged from her hiding spot and started barking once more. Galahad flew out and into the bathroom, excited at the prospect of yet another new visitor. Three more knocks in rapid succession. There was a delay before they rattled the door again. Galahad knocked three times on the bedroom door as if to answer the call back to the known visitor.

“You better go answer the door, lover boy.”

The knocks rattled the walls once again. Hugo headed back through the bedroom, failing to complete his initial purpose for coming upstairs. Max waited impatiently at the door. Galahad bounced around, ready to greet the visitor. Hugo cracked open the door.

“You stay,” he commanded Galahad. It slumped low in disappointment. “Look. I’d let you downstairs if I could. It’s not up to me, but I’ll talk to her.” Galahad perked back up.

Hugo and Max entered the hallway, closing the door behind them.

“I’ll get it,” Hugo said as he descended the stairs.