“They said we could do whatever we wanted to you,” the vampire growled as he leaned in.

The heat from his breath washed over her. Horror filled Alice’s eyes as his elongated fangs drew closer. Alice kicked and shimmied, struggling to free herself. His weight was too much.

“Hugo, get him off of me!” Alice shouted.

He didn’t reply. She couldn’t see him, only the sounds of him gasping and gurgling for air. The sound of knocking against the wall, like feet kicking, was the only response. Hugo never answered.

“You should see what they’re doing to your boyfriend. Won’t be long now,” the vampire taunted.

Alice screamed once more, “Hugo!”

There was no response, only the sound of a body slamming into the wall.

“Do you know what I want to do to you?” the vampire asked Alice as he leaned in closer. “I bet you taste sweet.”

He lurched forward, driving his fangs at her neck. Alice narrowed her eyes and snapped her fingers. The splinters shot up into the vampire’s back. He reeled backward, letting out a howl. Alice snapped her fingers again, driving the splinters into his heart.

His face contorted as his body turned to ash and disappeared. The pile collapsed onto Alice, covering her in the dusty remains of her vampire attacker.

“Disgusting!” Alice yelled.

She snapped her fingers, and the ash particles scattered away from her. She rose to her feet.

She snapped her fingers again. The wooden stake flew into her awaiting hand.

“Hey, you,”Alice said to the vampire.

Her words drew his attention, but he still held onto Hugo’s neck.

She continued, “Catch.”

Alice snapped once more to produce a new arcane flame and hurled it toward the vampire. It struck him in the face. Hugo fell to the ground as the vampire relinquished his grip. The momentum forced the vampire backward, slamming it into the wall at the base of the steps.

Alice charged, let out a primal scream, and stabbed the vampire in the chest. He was reduced to dust. Alice collapsed onto the bottom step, away from the pile of ashes, and propped herself against the wall to catch her breath.

Hugo coughed and struggled to breathe. He rolled around on the steps as he soothed his throat and gasped for air.

“Are you okay?” Alice asked.

“Ten-minute game misconduct,” Hugo struggled through his coughs. “You’re out of the game, buddy.”

“I see you haven’t lost your sense of humor.” Alice chuckled.

“It’s undead . . .” Hugo said through his gasps. “Just like me.”

“What a night. Any more of them?” She handed Hugo the wooden stake.

Hugo sniffed. “Yeah, I can still smell some.”

“Fantastic,” Alice said as she stood up. “Let’s check upstairs.” She extended her hand and helped him to his feet.

Alice snapped her fingers. Her hat flew onto her head. She adjusted the brim, so it was in its proper position.

Hugo arched his eyebrow and gave her a discerning look.

“What?” Alice asked as she gave it a final tug. “I need my hat.”

“Do you know how much I love you?” Hugo said with a smile.