Hugo watched in silent horror. He let out a barbaric yawp only his mind could hear. He was powerless to stop her. His arms and legs were bound to the couch by unseen shackles. He wanted to jump up and fight her, but couldn’t.
Sylvia picked up one of Alice’s family photos—an older photograph from the late nineteenth century. Her eyes lingered on the photo, narrowing the longer they fixated on the image. Her sharpened fingernail screeched across the glass as she traced Xs over both images.
The picture of Alice’s great-great grandparents always caught Hugo’s attention when he glanced at the memory shelf. The black and white photo was worn and starting to fade. In the picture, there was a rugged, scruffy man wearing a black cowboy hat, armed with two six-shooters by his side. He stood with an arm draped around the shoulders of a beautiful woman. She wore a dark blouse over a long-sleeve lace shirt, a black walking skirt which dragged along the ground, and a witch’s hat. Both appeared to be in their late thirties.
Sylvia dropped the picture frame, cracking it in splintering spiderwebs of broken glass.
“Oops,” Sylvia said.
She snared a set of keys with her finger. She twirled them around as she surveyed the rest of the area. She examined Galahad’s remains atop the shelves. She paused, twirling the keys faster and faster.
Don’t you dare touch him or so help me!
After she was done playing, she flung the keys across the room. “Nope. I don’t think she’d keep it up here. Maybe you can tell me where the spell is located.”
She strutted over and stood in front of Hugo. Sylvia dropped to her knees, placing her hands on his. She leaned in, working her hands up his legs as she spread them apart. Hugo’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the cushion as hard as he could.
“You know, I could give you anything you want. All you have to do is ask.”
I want you dead, bitch.
She worked her hands further up his legs, stopping on his upper thighs. “Do you want me? They don’t have to know. It could be our little secret.” She tapped his legs.
Hugo fought back every tantalizing urge of excitement. His thoughts focused on Alice.
She touched his chest with her right index and middle fingers, playfully marching them down his torso. She indulged herself with every prolonged press of her fingers.
“Look at me,” she said. He did as told. “Are you enjoying my gifts? I want you to answer me with yes or no.”
“No,” Hugo replied.
She leaned back on her heels and pouted her lips. “No? Do you not appreciate what I’ve done for you? Answer me.”
“No,” Hugo replied again.
She tilted her head, pressing her lips together. She leaned in deeper. She laid on top of him, raising her head until it was next tohis. He could smell the mixture of perfume on her body and blood on her breath.
She traced his jaw with her finger. “Maybe you need to be shown how to use your gifts—all of your gifts. I could show you. I could show you how fun being a vampire could be. Answer me yes or no. Would you like me to show you?”
Hugo wanted to throw her off and grab the wooden stake. He wanted nothing more than to drive it right into her chest. Yet, he couldn’t. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He had no choice but to respond.
He narrowed his eyes. “No.”
She pulled back. “You really are no fun, aren’t you?” She tapped her knees. “I guess I’ll be on my way. So, why don’t you tell me where your little girlfriend keeps The Lovers’ Kiss spell?”
Don’t tell her. Don’t do it.He screamed, a scream only he could hear. He hesitated. He resisted.
“Tell me!” she commanded once more.
With all of his willpower and might, he resisted once more.
“I won’t ask again,” she commanded as she moved her finger over his neck. Her sharpened fingernail dug into his neck.
“Downstairs,” he responded.
“See, it wasn’t so bad. Where?”
He tried to keep his mouth shut, but the compulsion overwhelmed him. “In her cellar.”