The hair stood up on Alice’s arms. Something was off. They wouldn’t run away. She continued her search. Her eyes were ever vigilant against the moving shadows. She held her breath, listening for anything.

There was nothing, only silence and the rapid beats of her pounding heart. A shiver ran down her spine.

Guinevere popped out of the back window, ready for her signal to join in the fight. Alice held up her hand and motioned the broomstick to go back. It retreated once more into the vehicle.

Alice snapped her head at the sound of grass rustling behind her. She couldn’t see anything in the shadows betweenthe houses. She produced another purple flame. This time, her mind was full concentrating on her conjuring abilities. She held her hand aloft, the purple flame now a lantern to guide her way.

The purple light fought back against the darkness. She moved forward, each step deliberate and with purpose. Alice entered the space between the two houses. The Raskins had a simple picket fence with ample viewing into their backyard. Alice dispersed the flame and placed her back against the side of the house. She peered around the corner to avoid being seen by whatever made the rustling noise.

The backyard was covered in darkness and the pale light of a waning crescent moon. She breathed deeply, trying to soothe her racing heart. Her fingers twitched with anxiety. Her shoulders tensed. She stood still as she listened intently for any movement or sound lurking within the shadows.

There was nothing.

You’re imagining things.

Alice exhaled deeply and relaxed her shoulders. She crept to the front of the house. She continued to scan the area with her eyes. Ever alert. Ever vigilant. Satisfied the area was clear, she jogged up the porch steps to the front door.

“Carol. Oliver. It’s Alice. Can you hear me?” Alice shouted.

There was no response.

Alice’s breathing labored. She tried to open the door, but it was still locked. Half-smiling, she pulled out a key from her pocket.

“You can’t win,” a voice growled.

Alice dropped the key back into her pocket. She spun around and ignited an arcane flame in her hand.

“We are too many. We are everywhere,” the voice continued to taunt her.

She recognized the voice.His voice.Sebastian was here, hiding in the shadows. Alice frantically shifted her head, checking for any signs of him.

“Did you really think you could stop us?” His voice came from the end of the porch.

Alice moved to investigate, raising the purple ball of energy to her shoulder.

“Blood will flow through the town streets. We will destroy everything you care for,” he taunted.

His voice sounded like it came from back at the door. Alice doused the purple flame, allowing the darkness to cover the porch. Her breathing increased, nearly drowning out her thoughts. She had to concentrate, be smart in her actions. She tiptoed along the side of the house, trying not to make a sound. The creaky old wood of the porch betrayed her position. She stopped and crouched down, ready to spring into action.

“I see you, little witch. We’ve always seen you. Watching you. Hunting you. Stalking you. You never knew it,” his voice echoed.

It sounded as if it was right in front of her, yet there was nothing there. Only the darkness.

“You still have a choice. You can join us. Join us and we’ll spare your precious town. Your precious friends. You’ll have everything you ever wanted. Everything you ever needed. All we want is for you to turn over the spell, and devote your life to us.”

He tempted her with his rich and velvety words, like an intoxicating elixir plucking at the heart strings of her deepest desires. His words teased and manipulated her into surrendering. She gulped, trying to clear her head of his false promises. Alice knew it would never be as they promised. They would control her, dominate her. She would never be allowed to live the life she wanted. She would be made into a servant of the Savinos, bending to their whims. It would never be enough. They would extract all they could from her, and when they finished, they would dispose of her.

“Join us,” he tempted once more.

Alice closed her eyes, trying to focus on where the voice was coming.

He continued, “It’s the only way.”

Alice snapped her eyes open. His voice was coming from above her. He was on the roof. Alice leapt forward over the railing. She tucked into a somersault and rolled along the ground. She sprang to her feet, conjuring a new arcane flame. He lurked on the roof above the porch, illuminated by the pale moonlight. She threw the flame at her tempter.

He dodged out of the way. She threw another, barely missing him as he rolled to safety. He retreated up the roof, sliding over the point. He popped his head above the point of the roof. Alice couldn’t hit him from this angle, not without destroying part of the roof. He snarled toward Alice.

“Consider this my official rejection notice!” Alice yelled.