“Europe. Near the French and Italian boarder,” Sebastian said. “Close to my old home.”
Sylvia never acknowledged Alice. She intently focused on Hugo as he picked up the glass.
Before he could take a sip, Alice snapped her fingers. The wine spilled all over his shirt. He backed away in his chair and stood up, breaking Sylvia’s concentration on Hugo.
Hugo picked up the napkins. “I’m sorry. It just slipped out of my hand.”
Alice jolted up and grabbed Hugo’s arm. “Thank you for dinner, but we better go soak his shirt before it stains.”
“Nonsense,” Sebastian said. “Please sit and finish your meal. I can take your shirt and soak it for you.”
Alice tugged on Hugo’s arm, attempting to drag him back down the hallway.
He resisted.
“If they’re offering, I don’t want to be rude.”
She glared at Hugo and pointed to the door with her head. “We need tosoakyour shirt,” she said in a raised voice.
“Why don’t you get a new shirt and come right back?” Sylvia offered.
“I can go get a new one,” Hugo said. “Stay and I’ll be right back.” He started past Alice.
“I’ll come with you,” Alice said as she followed him.
Sebastian and Sylvia stood and followed them.
Alice quickened her pace, never taking her eyes off the Savinos. The darkness of the hallway enveloped them. She frantically searched for the closet doorknob behind her, only finding the wood door with the back of her hand. She didn’t want to turn away and lose track of the Savinos. Her hand landed on the brass knob, but slipped. She tapped around a few times and found the knob once again.
The Savinos lurched down the hall, their eyes focused on Hugo and Alice with the unsettling intensity of predators hunting their prey. As they moved deeper into the darkened hallway, their eyes glowed a bright red. They never broke eye contact, moving at a methodical, even pace.
A force pulled Alice toward them. She wanted to break eye contact with Sebastian, but something held her in place. The longer she peered into his eyes, the stronger the pull. She struggled to move her head, but some unseen restraint held her gaze.
She turned the knob and flung the closet door open. The wooden barrier broke her connection, and she was free to move her head. She put on her hat and removed their coats from the closet. She left the door open and ducked her head down. She dragged Hugo toward the front door.
“Thank you for a wonderful evening,” Alice said.
“You should return,” Sylvia commanded as she pushed the closet door closed.
Alice averted her eyes from Sylvia to avoid falling under her sway.
“We’ll be right back,” Hugo said.
“Open the door,” Alice whispered to him.
Hugo opened the door and exited. Alice avoided the Savinos, only keeping their feet in the corner of her eye.
“Again, thank you. It was lovely.” Alice left, shutting the door behind her.
Hugo and Alice rushed down the steps toward their house.
“What was that about? I can get a new shirt on my own,” he said.
She squeezed his arm, still carrying their coats. “We need to get inside now!” She headed to their porch, dragging Hugo along.
“Why? What’s happening?”
“I’ll tell you inside,” Alice said.