“Mr. Lafayette,” one reporter asks, “is it true that you met Ms. Williams at Paradise Cove Resort?”
Jay nods. “It is. Best vacation of my life.”
Another one jumps in. “And how do you respond to accusations that this is just a publicity stunt?”
I feel Jay tense beside me. A low growl rumbles in his chest, and I see his tentacles start to emerge.
Without thinking, I place my hand on his arm. “It’s okay,” I murmur. “I got this.”
Turning to the reporter, I smile sweetly. “I can assure you, there’s nothing ‘stunt’ about our relationship. We are true mates,” I add solemnly.
The room goes silent. Jay’s looking at me with a mix of shock and awe. It’s the first time I recognize it out loud. And it had to be in a room full of journalists who will broadcast the news worldwide.
He bursts out laughing. “And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love her.”
The rest of the interview goes smoothly after that. Turns out, reporters love a sassy newcomer. Who knew?
Back in our suite, Jay can’t keep his hands or tentacles off me.
“You were amazing,” he says between kisses. “Did you see their faces when you said that?”
I grin, feeling pretty pleased with myself. “I did warn you I might embarrass you.”
He growls playfully, pinning me to the bed. “Oh, you didn’t embarrass me. You turned me on. Made me so fucking proud, little omega.”
Then his tentacles start exploring.
“Hey, Jay?” I say breathily as he kisses down my neck.
“I think I’m gonna like being your personal assistant.”
He looks up at me, eyes glowing that electric blue. “Good. Cause I plan on keeping you very busy for a very long time.”
Then he proceeds to show me exactly what he means.
I’ve faced Olympic competitions with less nerves than I’m feeling right now.
“Babe, stop fidgeting. You’ll wrinkle your suit,” Zora scolds, swatting my hand away from my collar.
I grunt, resisting the urge to let my tentacles out. They’re itching under my skin, not used to being confined for so long. “Remind me why we’re doing this again?”
Zora rolls her eyes, but there’s a smile tugging at her sexy lips. “Because you’re Jay Lafayette, celebrity kraken-shifter, and apparently that means fancy galas and shit.”
I pull her close, burying my nose in her hair and inhaling deeply. Her scent - jasmine and vanilla with a hint of something that’s uniquely Zora - calms me instantly. “You know I’d rather be in the ocean with you, right?”
She laughs, the sound sending fucking butterflies through my chest. Fucking whipped. “You’ve mentioned it once or twice. Usually when you’re trying to get me naked.”
I grin, letting my hands wander down her curves. The dress she’s wearing is fucking sinful, clinging to every dip and swell of her body. “Can you blame me? Look at you. Fuck,” I mumbleagainst her skin, nipping at her jaw. I have to resist the urge to follow with my tongue.