“No! You’re great. I mean, you’re very handsome and smart, and... nice?”
“I hope you think so. The only available pirate was pretty mad he didn’t get chosen, but he couldn’t do ‘intelligent.’ He also isn’t very nice, but a lot of girls want someone who isn’t. Nice, I mean.”
The seagull strutted over to us and looked at Marcel. “Greetings, merman. My job is done here. I’ll leave you two to get better acquainted.” And he rose into the air and disappeared over the palm trees.
I gazed after him. “Where is he going?” I asked Marcel.
“Wherever the place is he’s dreamed of, I guess. Probably a landfill. Were you holding onto him when you died, do you suppose?”
“Yes. There was a car crash. Actually, he caused it. He flew in through the car’s window when it was moving in traffic, and I caught him. That’s all I remember.”
“That explains it. He caused your death, so he had to accompany you to your dream destination.”
“But where is this? Are there other people here? Um, restaurants? Houses? Where am I going to sleep?”
“No to all that. And you won’t need to sleep, really, although you should rest and digest after you’ve eaten.”
“What will I eat? There doesn’t seem to be much here.”
“You can wish for things, right? Well, you can wish for food, but you won’t ever be hungry.”
Wow! That would make a change!
“So, what will I do all day?”
“You can swim, right?” asked the merman.
“Sure – in fact, I was an Aquette in high school.”
He looked puzzled.
“That means I did water ballet.”
“Ah! Yes. I’ve heard of that. Girls doing acrobatics in a circle in a swimming pool?”
“Yes. I won a medal.”
“Excellent. So, you can swim, and you’ll be able to breathe underwater now, and no need for those eye coverings.”
“What an odd word. Yes, that must be what I mean.” Marcel smiled at me. Kindly. “And of course, we can fuck as much as you want.”
I perked right up! “Wow! Where?”
“On the sand, in the water, holding onto a palm tree. Your choice.”
Suddenly, the beach ceased to be boring. But what if he left me here? Did I get to ask for multiple men who would stay for a while, then leave me alone?
“Will you stay here with me? I mean, I don’t have anyone else, and I’m not really good at being alone.”
“I’m assigned to you because of your wish. You can wish for another creature or thing, but I will stay until you wish me to leave, or until you want to leave with me.”
I hoped I hadn’t hurt his feelings. “I didn’t mean I wanted anyone else. I mean, you’re gorgeous and... kind! I really want you to stay. But how many wishes can I have? Is there a limit?”
“There are no limits here. You can wish for anything, at any time.” The merman smiled, and gently touched my cheek with his scaly finger. Suddenly, a vision of what that finger would feellike on (or in) my pussy made me tremble, and Marcel seemed to know exactly what I was feeling.
I looked around, and though the sand didn’t feel hot on my bare feet, I wasn’t sure I wanted to have sex on a beach without at least a towel under me. I closed my eyes and wished for a towel, remembering to say ‘please.’