“Walking is overrated, anyway. I’d rather have orgasms.” He was pretty sure that was Windy again.

Stifling his own laughter, Thor nodded his goodbye to Kade before shouldering the door open and striding out into the night air.

“So, where are we going, cowboy?” Debbie asked, nuzzling the side of his neck. “I hope you have a room to yourself unless you don’t mind my cousins showing up to watch.”

Thor shuddered as an image popped into his head—him and Debbie in bed with her cousins sitting along the wall, holding up scorecards, judging his every move. It wasn’t quite enough to make his cock wilt, but it was close.

“Not a room, but a trailer.” It was easier to take trailers while they were traveling. He didn’t have to share his, one of the perks of being the alpha. “We willnotbe interrupted.”

“Works for me,” she said before kissing his neck.

Except it wasn’t exactly a kiss. Her teeth dragged over his pulse, just sharp enough to hurt a little, and Thor grit his teeth against the surge of lust that swept through him. Picking up the pace, he made a beeline for his trailer.


Although she was somewhat curious about where Thor lived, Debbie didn’t get much of a view of the trailer. Thor was moving too fast. Which might be her fault. But he just smelled so damn good, how was she supposed to resist burying her face against his neck and taking a taste?

Look later, fuck now, her honey badger said. It had its priorities in order.

She got a glimpse of a kitchenette, a small couch, a glass-enclosed shelf of trophies, then she was being tossed onto a surprisingly comfortable bed. Bouncing slightly, she propped herself up on her elbows, pushing her breasts against the tank top she was wearing and grinned up at him.

“Okay, cowboy… what’s up first on your fantasy list?”

“Getting you naked.” He reached down for the hem of her shirt, his blue eyes aflame with eager lust.

She could have helped him, but Thor seemed to enjoy unwrapping her like she was a present, and she was inclined to let him. With each piece of clothing, he caressed or kissed another part of her that was revealed to him—her stomach, her thighs, the sensitive undersides of her breasts, her ass. From the way his fingers dug into the soft flesh of her cheeks, leisurely massaging before dragging her panties off, Debbie guessed he was an ass-man.

“Fucking beautiful,” he murmured, looking down at her completely naked body. He crawled onto the bed with her, leaning over her and nuzzling her breasts. Debbie reached down to slide her fingers through his hair and was surprised when he caught her wrists and pushed them back up, setting her hands down on either side of her head. “Stay just like that.”

Pushy stag, her honey badger observed, sounding amused.

The bossy tone made her raise her eyebrows, but shehadagreed to fulfill his fantasy. If he wanted her to just lie there while he pleasured and worshiped her body, she supposed she could get behind that.


Watching Debbie’s reactions was both interesting and telling. It was clear she wasn’t used to submitting in the bedroom, but she was willing to play along. Thor wondered what she would have done if he’d lost the bet and had to fulfill her fantasies—maybe he’d find out… eventually. For now, he wasn’t going to push things too far. Just having her submit to him, even this little bit, was a huge turn on. Even more so because she clearly was new to it. She trusted him already, at least this much. Thor was determined not to ruin that.

He trailed one finger down the center of her body from her throat down between the firm mounds her breasts with their tightly budded nipples to her naval. Even though he was tanned from all the time he spent in the sun, her skin was even darker, and the contrast was beautiful.

He bent forward to rub his face over her breasts, making her giggle before his lips sought out one pert, mauve nipple. A little gasp escaped her lips. He sucked the small bud hard,nipping slightly, making her shiver in response. Moving his fingers lower, he trailed them through the shortly cropped curls covering her mound, then dipped down into her pussy.



Debbie moaned, the sound music to his ears, and his cock throbbed against his pants. While he liked the dichotomy of her being completely undressed while he was still completely clothed, the real reason he’d done it was to help him maintain his control. He didn’t want this to be over with too quickly.

Slow. Steady. Then mount. Pleasure. Keep.

He and his buck were on the same page, although he was starting to get a little worried about the animal’s possessiveness. On the other hand, Debbie was definitely a woman worth keeping. Thor would have to think about that—later.

Right now, he wanted to concentrate on making both of them feel really, really good. Sliding one finger into her slick channel, he wasn’t surprised when she gasped, arching, and her fingers grabbed onto his hair again.

“Oh, fuck…”

The breathless rejoinder sent a wave of male smugness through him.

“Naughty girl,” he murmured, lifting his head from her breasts. Bracing himself on his elbow, he took both of her hands and put them above her head, his palm pressing down against hers while he continued to dip one finger in and out of her pussy with the other. “I told you to keep your hands here.”