Day 2: Jay “coincidentally” shows up at the pool during my break. We end up making out in the supply closet like teenagers. I smell like chlorine and alpha musk for the rest of the day, and I swear Ms. Johnson is sniffing suspiciously every time she passes me.

Day 3: I try to keep my distance, I really do. But Jay corners me in the elevator, and let’s just say we’re lucky no one else needed a ride for those 15 floors. I spend the rest of the day squirming in my seat, feeling the phantom touch of his tentacles.

Day 4: Jay convinces me to take my lunch break on the private beach. We go skinny dipping, and I discover that underwater tentacle play is definitely a thing. I return to work with sand in places sand should never be, but feeling more relaxed than I have in years.

Day 5: I’m starting to worry about my job. The hickeys are getting harder to hide, and I’m pretty sure the entire staff knows something’s up. Jay, the bastard, finds it hilarious. He keeps sending me dirty texts during my shift, and I nearly mess up a large group’s reservation when one particularly explicit message comes through.

Day 6: Jay has to do some press interviews, so we actually spend most of the day apart. I’m surprised by how much I miss him. When he returns, he practically pounces on me in the hallway. We barely make it back to his room before clothes start flying.

Day 7: I wake up to Jay tracing patterns on my skin with a tentacle. “Come home with me,” he says. I laugh it off, but the idea sticks in my head all day. By evening, I’m seriously considering it. Which is insane, right? I’ve known the alpha for a week!

And now? Now I’m standing in front of Ms. Johnson’s office, sweating bullets and trying to come up with an explanation that doesn’t involve “Sorry, I’ve been too busy fucking the shifter staying in the luxury suite to do my job properly.”

I take a deep breath and knock.

“Come in,” Ms. Johnson calls out.

I step inside and instantly freeze. Because sitting there, looking like the cat that ate the canary (or should I say, the kraken that ate the pussy… nope, not going there), is Jay.

“Ah, Zora,” Ms. Johnson says, her voice cooler than ice. “Mr. Lafayette was just telling me about the… exceptional service you’ve been providing.”

Oh shit. Kill me now.

Jay grins at me, all sharp teeth and cockiness. “I was just telling your boss how you’ve been taking care of my every need. Day and night.”

I’m going to murder him. Slowly. With a spoon.

“Is that so?” Ms. Johnson raises an eyebrow.

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. What am I supposed to say? ‘Yeah, I’ve been servicing him alright, just not in the way you asked me to’?

Jay, the bastard, decides to save me. Or maybe make things worse. “Actually, Ms. Johnson, I have a proposition for you.”

Both my boss and I look at him, confused.

“I want to hire Zora,” he says, his tone turning cold and professional. “As my personal assistant. Full time.”

Wait, what?!

Ms. Johnson blinks. “Mr. Lafayette, while we’re flattered by your interest in our staff, Zora is a valued employee and-”

“I’ll pay all your recruitment expenses for Zora’s replacement. Double,” Jay interrupts. “Triple it, even. And I’ll make a generous donation to the hotel as a thank you for introducing us.”

I stare at him, mouth hanging open. Is he for real?!

Ms. Johnson looks like she’s swallowed a lemon, but I can see the wheels turning in her head. A donation from Jay Lafayette would be huge for the hotel. And let’s not forget paying for my replacement.

“Well,” she says slowly, “I suppose if that’s what Zora wants…”

They both turn to look at me.

Great. Now I have to make a life-changing decision on the spot. No pressure, right?

I look at Jay. His navy blue eyes are intense. Asking me to take a chance on him. On us.

“I…” I start, then clear my throat. “I’d like that. If you’re sure, Mr. Lafayette.”

His face breaks into a grin that could light up the whole damn city. “Never been more sure of anything in my life, baby.”