Where the hell did Kimberly and Charlie go?

Are they crazy too?

My brain is screamingrun. That I should get the fuck out of this nuthouse.

I’ve read stories about shifters, mates, and such, but that’s all they are: stories. Make believe. It’s not fucking real.

“Please calm down.” Connor frowns, his forehead wrinkling with worry. “We’d never hurt you, and we’re not crazy. I swear. We’re just different in a way most humans don’t know about.”

Confused and finally afraid as hell, I jump to my feet. “I need to go.”

“Wait.” Connor stands and reaches for me.

Shaking my head, I put out my hands and turn to walk the other way around so Connor can’t block me. My vision blurs. My footsteps falter and I sway.

Did I get up too fast?

Warm hands grip my arms, guiding me back to the couch.

“Why don’t you try resting for now?” Connor’s sweet voice soothes as I lie back.

My eyes flutter closed as I fight to stop my head from spinning. Someone lays a blanket over me, and then I hear Grant’s voice.

“We’ll talk later when you’re feeling better.”

“Probably should have done that in the first place,” Connor grumbles, but his voice is getting further away.

That’s what I need: rest. Maybe that fall did more damage than I knew and it’s all in my head. There are no wild animals or crazy people. Just me with my stress and jet lag.

I’ve been alone for a long time. I never knew my parents, grew up in an orphanage, friends came and went. It only makes sense that my mind would fabricate some fantasy about soulmates when it’s overwhelmed. I love to read and watch love stories on TV, but as I drift to sleep, I remind myself real life is nothing like that. You can’t depend on anyone but yourself.

There is no Prince Charming. No happily ever after. Just the life you make for yourself.




As she falls back asleep, Connor and I head upstairs. We knock on Kimberly and Charlie’s bedroom door. Their muffled voices tell the kids to stay there. The door opens a few seconds later.

“Well?” Kimberly eagerly asks as Charlie closes the door behind them. “How did it go?”

“Not well,” Connor sighs.

My heart tightens at the sadness in his voice. I pat his back in support.

“She’s having a hard time with it, but she’s resting again. Hopefully by the time she wakes up, she’ll be calmer.”

Kimberly smiles weakly. “I’m sure this isn’t easy for her. She’s lived a normal life with no idea about shifters. It’ll take time for her to get used to the idea that we exist.”

“And if she doesn’t?” Connor asks.

“She will,” Charlie offers. “You just have to be patient.”

Connor’s shoulders slump. “I’ve waited centuries for a mate. I’m not sure what I’ll do if she rejects us.”

“That won’t happen,” I try to assure him. “We can’t expect her to suddenly believe in everything she’s been taught is not real. Our mate will come around in time. You’ll see.”