I was deliberate with my movements as I stopped at each inmate and looked them over. Reaching the last, that same scent that had stirred me became so strong that I knew she was the cause.
I dropped my muzzle to her neck, and she winced away, covering her head as I sniffed her scent. She was the witch luring me here. I raised my hoof to end her and the threat she posed, but she turned and looked up at me. Eyes as blue as the ocean stared in fear, and as mine locked with hers, all I could think was…mine.
The food had worked, and I could feel the pain again, which only made me wish that I’d been strong enough to starve myself. The sound of Merk’s distinct whistle sent a shudder through my body, and even though I knew it was useless, I curled up into a ball and buried my face against my legs, holding on as tight as my weak arms could.
“Did you eat?”
I didn’t answer. The door to the cell banged open, and Merk grabbed me by my arm and shook me like a child’s toy.
“Answer me, you insubordinate bitch,” he ordered, hitting me in the stomach, making me cry out and almost throw up what I’d just eaten. “See, I knew you could make noise. Don’t worry, I’ll make you scream.” He dropped me to the ground, and as his hands went to the tie on his pants, I tried to crawl out the open cell door. “Where do you think you’re going?”
I yelled, unable to help myself as his fingers dug into my hips, and it felt like he was going to crush the bones. Merk yanked me back—my knees and fingers scrapping along the hard stone floor—and then pressed me face down on the rock slab that was to bemy bed. I tensed, knowing what was coming, fresh tears trailing down my cheek. Why did I eat and drink?
“Merk! We need help. We’re under attack,” Jarvis yelled.
“Fuck!” Merk let go, and I fell off the slab. He ran out and slammed the cell door closed on his way.
“I hope you die,” I whispered. If the Goddess had a heart, she would let them die so I could rot here in peace.
The din of battle intensified. The scent of fire and death invaded my cell, and…there was something else. A rich, woodsy fragrance that made my heart pound harder. My eyes fluttered closed, and I let the smell envelop me. The sound of men walking down into the cell area crushed my hopes until one of them spoke, and I didn’t recognize the voice.
“Get them all out of here and take them to Solaris for inspection.”
My cell rattled as the door was opened, and two men grabbed my arms. They were far gentler than anyone who had touched me in so long. I’d almost forgotten what it was like not to have fingers clawing into my skin. Even though it was dusky outside, I blinked at the bright lights. When was the last time I saw the sun? I couldn’t remember.
I was dropped on the ground, and the warm, homey scent that had filled me in the cells was more potent out here, making my head feel even lighter than usual. The ground shook as something drew closer, and I assumed that Alpha Gorrin was going to use me for some reason, no longer happy just having his guards abuse me. But as the feet stopped moving, I sucked in a deep breath and shivered.
A hot muzzle touched my neck, and I pulled away, curling up into a tighter ball, but the scent was so strong that my body tingled all over in a way I’d never felt before. Even though it took all my energy, I had to know where this amazing smell came from. Lifting my head, my eyes went wide as I stared at thebottom of a hoof larger than my skull and knew this was it. I was going to die. My chin rose to make sure it was a clean hit, and my stare locked with a pair of unfamiliar eyes. My heart stopped beating in my chest, everything slowed, and I sucked in a ragged breath.
He placed his foot down and nodded to the men who had brought me out. As they picked me up, I saw Alpha Gorrin dead on the ground and noticed how everyone else was on their knees with their heads bowed in respect. I yelped as I was tossed into the back of a horse-drawn wagon. Others piled in, and I crawled to the furthest corner, pulling my knees to my chest. I’d escaped one cell only to be sent to a different one, but I couldn’t go through that again. I needed to escape.
The journey took a long time, but I heard men calling out that we were getting close. I didn’t recognize anyone in the wagon, but they all stared at me like they were disgusted to be so close to a prisoner. Keeping my head down, I crawled past their feet, thankful that they pulled away instead of kicking me. Peering out, I spotted one guard following, but he was off to the side of the wagon. Fog was rolling in and getting thicker by the minute. I waited for the perfect moment. There was a bend in the road that put the guard’s head out of view, and I slipped out, biting my lip as my legs buckled. I rolled into the tall grass at the side of the road and lay perfectly still.
Staring up at the almost completely dark night sky in the cool grass, I could die happy. This was my first taste of freedom in so long, and I wanted to savor it, but I didn’t have much strength, and the bit of bread and water wasn’t going to get me very far. I poked my head above the grass when I could no longer see or hear anything. Sniffing the air, I could still smell the new Alpha, but it was faint.
Choosing to stay off the main trail, I followed my instincts and started through the dark forest. Everything would be somuch easier if I could shift, but it had been so long since I had that I didn’t even feel my moose in me anymore. Had I lost that part of myself completely? It didn’t matter right now. Wrapping my arms around myself, I put my head down and took one tentative step at a time, following the scent of water. If I didn’t make it, at least I was dying on my terms and not at the hands of Merk and Jarvis or this new herd. Anything was better than that.
My feet slammed down on the partially frozen ground, and my knees cut through the fog, which was an omen of change to come. I didn’t like it any more than I liked the reaction I had to the female. My stride lengthened as I pushed myself harder until my hooves sounded like thunder as I tore through the forest, trying to clear my head.
I knew and understood what a mate was. I’d seen members of my herd find their chosen and marry, but that was not something that was ever supposed to happen to me. Of all the females to be paired with, why a prisoner who didn’t even smell like a moose? Then again, I couldn’t smell much past the dirt, blood, and come from other males. The thought of another male touching her had a fury burning in my gut that would’ve sent me into battle against a thousand Alphas, and I would still emerge victorious.
Bursting through the trees of my herd’s home base, the guards glanced at me as I raced past but didn’t move from their posts. From the first herd I’d taken over, I’d grown the group to over five hundred members and had more guards and soldiers ready to lay down their lives for me than any Alphabefore. But that didn’t stop the rumors from circulating that I was bloodthirsty and only out for the power. I did want the power, but not because I wanted to subdue others. I realized that my home—before it was ambushed and taken over—had been different from other herds. Alpha Jasper had been kind, and my family and others lived in peace without fear of abuse, but we were not the norm. I planned on making the North strong and powerful but peaceful. I wanted it to become a place that others chose because we were undeniably the better choice.
The massive castle and other structures that made up the homes for my herd rose eerily out of the fog before me. Another line of guards stood with weapons strapped to every inch of their muscular bodies.
I shifted, happy that my cock had finally stopped trying to stand on end. Cracking my neck, I walked up to Chase, my third in command, and he handed me one of my thick cloaks, which I wrapped around my shoulders.
“All went well,” he asked.
“He didn’t last a single blow. They seem to be mostly women, young and old,” I said, and Chase snorted in disgust.