Page 85 of The Syphon King

Dr. Harlow leaned to Nidev. “Take your time, we have plenty of catching up to do.”

“Just so we return to the lab before midnight,” the Quantum King said.

“What happens at midnight?” Dr. Ubaldo wondered,like a mannerless child.

“We’re giving birth to a son. Handy.”

The disdain in his muttered words came clear across the table, bringing Seer and Bishop’s gazes in a lock of curiosity. He nearly slipped up and questioned if the day could get any more fucking bizarre while his phone buzzed non-stop.

Bishop stood the moment Nidev did, wanting to speak to his own brothers outside now that he knew the dude had super ears. Fucking unbelievable. They had a pair of super ears too, he remembered. If what the King said was true about the war with good and evil coming to a head soon, it was time to start thinking of upgrading his own soldiers. Backwoods style.

ZODAK WAITED FOR ZEEN, sitting on the edge of his bed, holding the chains required while his blood churned in his veins at what was about to happen. Having a woman touch him—no, having his Zeen touch him like she was about to. What would it cause in him? In her? The entire universe?

His bed wasn’t equipped to restrain him, which meant he’d have to twist reality a little with his chains. He mostly neededherto feel safe since he’d informed his brothers to monitor him.

She stopped ten feet from the bed, and he held the chains up. “I need help with these, my jah-mee-lah.”My beautiful. I need.They were magic words with her. And for him, the words were strangers. He’d forever discontinued any part of his humanity containingneed.

The critical risk flag was back again. But it wasn’t waving in warning, it was sitting there like an adornment on a grave. Not for what might happen but would. And yet, the path had made its demands. He had to meet them.

Now came the hard part. Getting naked. It was the door he’d be unable to shut once he opened it.

He wore his usual ceremonial robe on his lower body with all his grounding chains. He watched her pretty lowered face closely as he removed his robe while every neuron in his body got zapped with adrenalin. As her pretty gaze moved slowly along his body, she met a need he wasn’t aware he even had. To be seen by her. All of him. Her hunger was its own power and she fed on him with open awe and abandon. Her desire moved through his swirling ink, following the pathways where his powers traveled, a network of thin veins cast overhim like a fine web. Larger ink lines meandered this way and that, his power’s fingerprint just under his skin. Her eyes locked on his cock and the amount of energy flowing in that region brought a fresh wave of fear. There was no extra bio-ink assistance there because he foolishly imagined he’d never need it. There was only a titanium grounding port embedded in the tip’s thick flesh to receive a grounding chain. It was the only part of him that wasn’t covered infreakink.

The amount of time she stared at him there had his hunger at full throttle and his curiosity. “Do you fear me, Zeen?”

Her head barely nodded then shook. Yes and no. He could accept that. She looked right at him then, her breaths coming quickly. “I...needyou.”

Her gaze shot back down when his cock answered with a jolt of heat, their needs clashing on this path getting hotter and narrower.

“I am ready,” he whispered, not wanting to scare her more.


Once they found a spot way out of earshot, Bishop eyed all of them, nodding as all the words hid from his tongue. “Right,” he said, at the looks they wore. “This is some shit.”

They all started talking at once like the holy-fuck gates suddenly opened in their heads.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Bishop ordered with a hand up. “One at a time. Write your shit on a mental note and do not forget it. Seer, you first.”

He started with a headshaking sigh, but the hint of his boyish grin took the doomsday out of it. “I’m excited.”

“I can see that,” Bishop said. “We’d like to be excited too so, please give us some of this juice.”

“More like a lot of this juice,” Bart muttered.

Seer paced and they waited while he organized his thoughts into hopefully digestible bites. “I really need to touch him,”he began. “Both of them. The...being and the doctor. Creator. See what I can see.AndMaggie. We need as much as we can get.”

“You think this is all like...morally legit?” Bishop wondered.

Seer paused his pacing, looking at him. “I think there’s a lot in the book of Revelation that is out of this world if taken on face value. Until today—maybe even this second, here in this swamp—nobody, meaning me, ever considered the things described in the Good Book might be an actual thing. But that?” He thumbed the building behind him while giving Bishop that same renegade grin, “Looks pretty damn real. And if he can create what he’s saying? Whatcan’the create?”

Bart asked, “But what does thatmean?”

Seer looked at him. “It means maybe a lot of this isn’t going to be as metaphorical as many have thought. It says that unless he cuts the end days short, even the very elect would be deceived. That being looks deceptively real wouldn’t you say?”

“But it’s still a man-made invention,” Bishop said. “And like all of those, what it’s used for defines everything.”

“My thought exactly,” Seer said. “Everything belongs to God to use. Doesn’t matter if it’s made with good intentions orbad. In all his dealings with mankind that I’ve seen, He used whatever that era produced to His advantage. I see this as no different. Except...the marriage bit with women.”