“Depending on which books you’re going by,” Quantum said. “I go by the higher law, those that the universe demand I meet.”
Harlow shook his head. “And where the hell did you learn that?”
“It’s ingrained in every atom in this universe. You gave me a directive, you didn’t specify what governed it. But as I’ve said, the universe amply provides this.”
“Well, shit yeah,” Harlow agreed, half relieved, half cautious. “So, what are we allowed?”
“He created a false life, and he took it away. What do you think I’m allowed to do?”
Kult wasn’t sure where the giga slash humanity divide happened in his AI brother. “If you don’t mind, spell it out for all the dummies here.”
“I can give him a real body, then just like he did, snap it from existence.”
“As long as I cankillhimoutof existence, I’m not picky about the rest of the particulars,” Kult muttered, very happy with this idea.
“When?” Harlow eagerly wondered.
King eyed Pain and Butterfly. “As soon as that doorway is clear.”
“I’ll clear it,” Sync said.
Atlas followed him. “I’ll help.”
“WE NEED TO TAKE THEelevator, it’s faster,” Harlow said as they hurried with the hunk of junk down the hall, looking over his shoulder for nuns.
“I want him in one of the Anvil Chambers.”
Harlow nodded, liking that. “Just in case he tries something,and I’m damn sure he will.”
“What’s an Anvil Chamber?” Atlas whispered, also keeping a look out.
“One of the converted dungeons,” Harlow huffed as he ran ahead and pressed the button on the elevator. “We intend to convert all of them into holding rooms for soldiers during trial phases.”
“They’re impenetrable and inescapable,” Quantum added as they squeezed into the elevator.
“What the fuck is this armor made of?” Kult said, fighting with the metal limbs as they crammed into the small box.
“It’s not the armor, it’s the high-density nanomaterials that are layered with neural interfaces that interact with the armor,” Quantum said.
Harlow hit the button leading to the floor below ground, getting a code request. “Since when?” he cried.
“Since we have unpredictable guests,” Quantum said, flying his fingers over the keypad.
The door shut and they all stood there, catching their breath as they descended.
“So he’s a real tin man,” Sync marveled quietly.
The elevator stopped and the door opened. Harlow peered out, making sure the coast was clear before leading them to thenext door going down. His excitement grew with every step, along with his impatience. Fuck, they needed to hurry before he found a way to escape. Bet he was currently wriggling all up in that metal.
“Put him on the table in the adjoining room,” Quantum said when they arrived, hurrying to the control station on the other side of the cell’s titanium infused glass. It would be like a birthing tomb. You were born in it, then you died in it. Super convenient.
His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out. “Bruh, hurry. Pretty sure this fake Dr. Ubaldo calling me is Handy.”
“Do not answer it,” Quantum said. “Not until I get him locked into his new life.”
ANTICIPATION BATTER-rammed the steel walls lining Vex’s mind as the meeting got underway. The two-month mark had arrived, and all things Bat Bite related would finally be revealed. To avoid contaminating influences, it was decided the results would be kept under wrap till the end of the expansion. It was one of many items to be discussed but he was sure it held first place in the list. Rukem’s Scape finally beingfullycracked was at a tie with Zodak’s situation. After two months of passive siphoning Zen, her darkness remained with zero signs of change. But now that they found this Doctor Harlow, hopefully he’d provide insight that would make a difference. Vex was positive this individual had never encountered anything like their brother which meant he’d no doubt need to examine the situation in person. This added another layer of anticipation regarding these Quantum Kings who none of them had ever heard of. The sort of things they’d supposedly achieved had all their gifts salivating to explore.
At the moment, they were on Dr. David’s speechless astonishment regarding Rukem’s network of bridges he’d faithfully added to every night in his sleep—until a week ago. This seemed to imply whatever he was subconsciously up to was now complete. They’d moved on to what in the hell did it all mean and how was it connected to the coins?