Page 89 of The Syphon King

The sight of her small breasts set off a lust bomb. “Do as your King commands, Zeen,” he shuddered, winded. “Climb on my cock.”

He felt the tremble in her body as she obeyed him, her delicate moans a mix of need and worry.

He took hold of his dick and moved it along her pussy. His growls seethed at the way the huge head looked buried in her hot folds, the flash of his titanium post peeking out. “Move your clit on me, Zeen,” he ordered. “Till you’re burning up for so much more.”

She rocked herself on the head, holding on to his wrist with one hand, her shocked cries edged with needy lust as he laced his fingers in her other hand. Their gasps came as one now. “Fucking perfect, Zeen, your pussy is beautiful,you’refucking beautiful.” Her cries grew and he moved the head to her entrance. “Look at me Zeen,” he said, wanting to see everything when he entered her.

“Zo,” she shot out, panic edging in.

“I have you Zeen,” he swore to her, and whatever darkness dared face him. “You aremyangel.”

She bravely worked her way down his cock, every micro-inch and delicate moan bringing a blast of her darkness that he instantly devoured. She reached bottom and her frantic cries ripped him apart from the inside, triggering his hyper siphoning. Grabbing hold of her waist, he moved her along his shaft, her tight body bringing white-hot pleasure sparking through his neurons. His huge hands so easily spanned her body but it was the sight of his cock, slick with her essence moving in and out of her that pushed him over all the edges.

She fell forward and crucified him with a passionate kiss, blasting more power through him. It entered his hands, and they bit down on her soft body, shoving her on his cock over and over, faster, harder. He needed her pinned beneath him and rolled with her, catching her leg with his arm and opening her wide to take him again. He found her core in a single plunge and devoured her scream, his barren soul feasting. He gorged himself with them, his hunger furious and unforgiving as it took all that she gave.

And his sweet Zeen... she gave itall.

“WHAT DO YOU THINK OFthe Leather Ones,” Harlow barely said to Quantum as they all returned to the large, domed ceiling room. “They seem like my kinda people maybe. And these Creole Kingsyourkind of people.”

“I think they’re the exact same kind of people with different expressions.”

“Huh. Maybe. Pretty sure they’re gonna say yes.”

“My soldiers are on their way here. We’ll show them what we’re capable of. I don’t want there to be any doubt and there is. I also don’t want anything left to imagination since it’s mostly unimaginable.”

“They’re cominghere?” Harlow hissed. “Now?”

“I sent the Nebula Quantum Two to get them. They’ll be en-route soon.”

“And do our Kings here know?” he quietly strained, excitement making his blood bubble.

“I was thinking to surprise them.”

“Bruh,” Harlow chuckled long and low with a head shake. “That’s some ballsyshit. Human ballsy. I like it.”

“Text our brothers and ensure things are still on schedule. I’m finalizing their Syphon King’s new weapon.”

“What?!” Harlow leaned over, seeing he had a program up on his phone, his robotic speed nearly blurring his fingers as they moved over the keypad. “What kind of weapon?”

“The exact kind the Creole King brothers want for him.”

“He told you that?”

“More or less.”

“Are you reading between the lines my little sneaky hybrid?”

“I’m readingeveryline that can be read,” he corrected.

Harlow had to laugh. “That’s gonna split their fuckin’ heads in half.”

“Brothers,” King Nidev announced once everybody was seated again. “We’ve reached an affirmative decision on working with the Quantum Kings on a project-by-project basis.”

Quantum pocketed his mini-high-powered-computer while Nidev offered the Marsh Kings a say in the matter. Harlow watched as the leader eyed each of his members for several seconds then returned his dark gaze back to the Kings. “Sounds reasonable.”

Nidev regarded Quantum now. “Do you have anything to add?”

Quantum nodded once at the Leather Leader. “I would like to extend the same offer regarding your gifted as well.”