Page 79 of The Syphon King

“Fascinating,” Quantum marveled, piecing it all together perfectly. “And this is a human?”

“Indeed! One in dire need of Dr. Harlow’s help.”

Quantum paused in his pacing. “How so?”

Harlow’s dick literally got hard as they listened to the fun freaky details. Harlow and Quantum’s gazes melded again like two eager boys with new gadgets they desperately wanted.

“We can help, yes,” Quantum assured with Harlow’s agreement.

“Oh fantastic!” he cried. “They’ll be elated.”

“Tell us about this woman,” Quantum now asked. “The one he’s...siphoning darkness from. Is there a wayfor me to meet her as well?”

He fucking wanted her demons, Harlow realized.

“I’m most certain there is, the Creole Kings are infinitely rich and highly accommodating. And most generous,” he added, with much incredulous laughing.

“We should go immediately,” Quantum muttered, looking at the bio-print-pod in the room next to them. “I could wake him at two hundred years old.”

Harlow shrugged. “Now or two weeks from now—either works for me,” he whispered.

“Notfor me,” Kult cut in quietly. “We kill the sonofabitchnow,thenmove on to the next shit show.”

“Would you like me to tell them you’ll be visiting?” Dr. Ubaldo asked.

“Uh, excuse us while we discuss the particulars,” Harlow said, taking it off of speaker and muting it.

“Do we want to just erase Handy and be done?” Quantum suggested.

“Hellno,” Kult blasted. “Hehastoknowwhat’s going on and what he took andthenwhat he’s losing. You said it King, an eye for an eye. And that’s exactly what should happen.Noless.”

“Fine, we’ll finish Handy and then what?” Harlow asked.

“Let me remind you we have a crushed Butterfly in the castle,” Atlas said.

“And she has a husband who will fully attend to her every need,” Kult said.

“She won’t like you killing Handy,” Sync informed, like he hated to crash their vengeance party.

“She surely doesn’t need to know,” Kult countered. “And we’re merely relocating him into non-existence. Same place herbabyis. What about the three stooges?” Kult remembered.

“Due back here today for a full report,” Quantum said.

“Wonder if any ofourshit overlaps into thisnewshit,” Kult mulled back to his puzzle pacing.

“Do you think it does?” Harlow said.

“I do but I don’t know how and now Imustknow.”

“What is it they need again, exactly?” Harlow asked.

“Something to help this Syphon King better control his siphoning abilities.” Quantum was back at his computer. “I’ll need all of his data to do that. I’m sure we can create something by tomorrow.”

“So do we go, or does he come?” Harlow checked.

“It would benefit us if he were here,” Quantum said, turning in his chair andregarding the pod in the next room. “We have twenty-four hours before he’s completed. I can do a lot in that time.”

“So, we flying down to see what we can see?” Harlow hoped.