Page 67 of The Syphon King

“Just tell me,” she gasped, fighting her hunger. “How will you bite me...better.”

“With proper fangs. The Kings have agreed it’s a good idea since it would cause less trauma to the tissue.”

Her pulse raged now.

“You’re making meveryhungry.”

Oh shit. Her hungers were waking the ones hehadto answer. “You started it,” she said, breathless.

“With more control, I could finish a conversation without going batshit crazy all over you,” he said, serious as could be.


He reached behind her head and pulled her to him, his fingers biting in her hair as he declared a lust war on her tongue with hot, hungry breaths. “But you don’t want that,” he said. “You love when I go insane on you.”

“Yes,” she moaned, already a ragdoll in his overwhelming power.

“Control will ensure I go crazy so veryperfectlyon you.”

Aperfectcrazy? She couldn’t begin to imagine such a thing, but her lusty mouth knew to cry out, “Yes.”

“Yes? To which one?” he hurried, yanking at her robe.

“All of it,” she said, helping get them naked.

“CLAIRE, YOU’RE WRONG. And I’m tired. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

“I want to talk about it now,” she insisted. “You need to know it’s not too late for you to end this farce of a Fate-dice marriage.”

“Nobody’s ending any marriage,” he warned, making his way past her on the stairs.

She followed him. “Well, maybe I’ll do like Gretchen and get my own Fate dice. Roll how life should go on the daily round here, see how you like that?”

He turned at the top of the stairs. “What in the holy swampfuckis your problem? Youwantto fight? You need somebody to hit and hurt? Then go ahead, Claire, hit me. But you’re not doingthisbullshit.” He turned for the room.

“You think this is a game to me?” she challenged on his heels as he went into the bedroom and removed his shirt. “Unlike you, I don’t play games with people’s lives, and I won’t let youplay games with mine or Troy’s. You’re keepin’ things from me, and you think I don’t know? I can spot a deceiver a mile away, mister, I lived with king snakes all my life.”

He spun to her, and she backed into the door. “Let’s get something straight, wife. When I keep something from you it’s because Iloveyou. Don’t you ever compare me to that devil.” He angled his head at her. “Maybe that Vicki you were talking to tonight gave you a better offer? Don’t think I didn’t watch youreverymove. Yeah, I’mobsessedwith you. I don’t wantnobodyeven lookin’ at you. And I surely don’t want noVickitalking to you,” he seethed, pissed all over again.

She hardened her jaw. “Well, maybe he did give me a better offer.”

Fuck she was playing hardball. “You’d be right at home in that clan, they love using their women and treating them like shit, hitting on them, is that what you want, is that what you miss?”

He hit the door with his fist and she flinched, the sight setting off his fury.

He spun away from her and got out of his pants. “You’re begging for it Claire,” he warned. The second those words left his mouth, it hit him. Shewasbegging for it. He slowly turned, looking at her pressed against the door like cornered prey.

He made his way back to her and put his hand on the door, staring at what he was seeing. She was surely fighting, butwhatwas she fighting?

He raised his hand and grazed her face with her fingers, watching her breath blast out and her eyes close. Holy fuck. Where was her fight now? He moved his touch along her jaw as it fully dawned on him. She was fightingherself. Not him. She needed everything he offered and was too fucking scared to take it.

He leaned in, putting his mouth next to hers, his pulse raging with both their needs now. “My wife.”

The barest whimper of desire hit his ears and he took hold of her jaw and plowed his tongue into her mouth, getting the most compliant silk in the fucking world. A month of needs erupted between them as he fought to get her clothes off while she clawed at his muscles wherever her hands roamed and fuck they roamed everywhere.

She blasted a moan in his mouth, hiking her leg on his waist. He lifted her up and put her against the door, holding her jaw to the side as he sucked at her neck, finally getting his hand in her panties.

“Jeramiah!” she shot out.