“I don’t see him!” Phelony hissed.
“He’s standing right next to that Creole Viking and Seer,” Beth whispered, holding a hand at her chest and discreetly pointing. “On Seer’s left. I mean right. Fitted jeans, black boots.”
Phelony sucked in a breath. “Found him. Swamp sticks heisscary.”
“And those tattoos don’t stop at his head,” Maggie informed.
“And how do you know this?” Juliette demanded.
“I had to touch him to see. I asked to touch his tattoos and he said they cover him everywhere. I told him the ones on his arm were enough. When I got near his face, hesnatched my hand and spoke something in another language.”
“Probably ‘back up bitch’,” Tegan said, getting an eruption of laughter.
“Something close to it, I’m thinking,” Maggie said.
“Listen to you, all excited,” Cherie said with a chuckle.
“I’ma tell Spook,” Tully threatened with a laugh.
“Would you, please? Ilovehim all jealous. He getsaggressive,” she said, heat in her wide eyes.
“You should see the man when he smiles,” Cherie quietly said. “I’d hate to see him angry.”
“Now I wanna see his teeth,” Tegan complained.
“Hell, me too,” Juliette cried, heading off the porch. “Come on,” she called over her shoulder. “We’re going find Mah-Mah and we’ll take thebestpath to get there.”
Like nosy, naughty schoolgirls they eagerly headed for their fun odd couple. Juliette fell back and walked next to Cherie. “You’re our door in. Say hi to your Sammy and get us some introductions.”
Beth held back her laugh when Cherie suddenlynoticedherSammy with a big, “My husband!”
He eyed her and the throng of women just after with a grin. “Mywife,”he said, sounding curious as he put a big kiss on her dramatic mouth while they all eased up behind her.
Cherie turned. “We were just going to find Mah-Mah. Zodak, I almost didn’t recognize you! Zen! Look at you, so beautiful in that dress!”
“Good to see you, Mrs. Samuel,” Zodak greeted.
“Thank you,” the girl said, flustered to pieces, poor thing.
Beth hurried forward. “I amsoglad you came.”
“The Belle Eveque,” Cherie introduced. “Or wife of The Bishop.”
The girl sucked in a sharp breath. “I’ve heard of you! You’re as pretty as they say!”
Beth stepped out of the spotlight and turned to the rest of the girls with quick introductions. “And here are more wives of The Twelve. This is our lovely Tully, Lesion’s wife.”
“Nice to meet you Zen,” she said, hurrying forward with a big sunny hug.
“And this is Mia, Bullets’ wife.”
Mia smiled with a little wave.
“This is Maggie my sister and Spook’s wife.”
“Oh, I know you!” Zen said happily. “Zodak says you have touching gifts!”
“Seems I do,” Maggie said with a happy confession. “Very nice to meet you.”