“And sweet as a blueberry,” Cherie thought.
“Maybe I need to pry a little,” Beth realized. “Find out about this iceberg preventing their ship from sailing.”
“What are you two giggling about over there?” Felix wondered to Tully and Mia.
“We were just sharing the things our husband’s say,” Tully said with a big open book smile.
“Like wut,” Tegan drawled, making Beth snicker.
“Yeah, like wut,” Juliette said, laughing when Tegan gave her the infamous swivel-glare.
“Lesion says things like “My Sweet Venom when he’s...”
“Stop there,” Tegan begged with a hand up.
“Bullets says I make his heart recoil,” Mia confessed with a proud smile.
“Patches calls me his Thrust Therapist.”
Her dry tone brought their laughter splitting the air for a full minute while she sipped her drink behind her smile.
“What about you, Cherie?” Phelony asked. “You have a very unique one.”
Her brows rose. “Unique is an understatement. I think my favorite thing he says to me is ‘I see you’. Or maybe it’s how he says it and when he says it.” She fanned her face and they all made lewd whooping noises followed by “I see you! I see you! I see you!” till she was laughing in embarrassment.
Maggie went next. “It’s when Spook wants me and says... ‘Come ‘ere.’” She wilted and fell into the chair as their laughs erupted.
“Lesion calls my monthly, shedding.”
Holy moly,they were laughing now.
“Bullets calls mine reload week.”
Maggie grabbed her arm with a laugh. “Spook says Code Red Standby.”
“Sammie says, ‘No baby yet.’”
They all gasped and looked at her. “Y’all are trying?” Beth demanded, getting her smiling nod.
“He wants a baby so bad, and I want to give him one. I do love all the trying though.”
“I have positions that can help!” Beth remembered.
Chatter erupted and she laughed, shushing them. “Okay, you are all wanting babies?” she asked in amazement, getting nods from all but Juliette.
“I’d like to fuck my husband freely for a little longer, thank you very much. I’ll just borrow one of your kids if I get a mothering itch.”
“Okay, back to the fun things our husbands say,” Tegan said, swirling her finger at Felix. “I gotta hear yours.”
Everybody agreed then eagerly waited while she squinted thinking. “Would have to be when he...growls because he can smell my arousal and he thinks I’m tempting him on purpose.”
Their jaws couldn’t hang open more, which she thought was funny.
“I gotta know,” Tegan whispered. “How does it...feel when he...” She snapped the air with her teeth.
Felix glanced over her shoulder then eyed them before whispering, “He’s got exceptional hearing.”
This got them sneak-peeking out into the crowd.