“Because you’re a rabid animal that likes fucking in the wide open. It’s like a challenge. Marking territory.” He nodded, looking past him. “See that King? I can smell his lust from here.”
Vex turned, finding Vael’s mouth at Miss Skelton’s ear.
“Yeah, go get your woman,” Nitro chuckled as Vex made a direct line through the crowd to them.
“Your investments are taking a dive,” he said to Vael upon arriving. “Seems somebody’s been meddling where they shouldn’t. Better go check it before the damage gets ugly.”
“Well, damn,” Vael muttered with surprise, eyeing Vex. He nodded at Miss Skelton then. “Excuse me while I go save my life. It was a pleasure meeting you.”
“Same to you. Thanks for the invite, I might see you later.”
Vex wired his jaw shut with his powers when hisbatlogic threatened everything he was fighting to protect. “If our plans have changed, I’ll need to know, Miss Skelton.”
“Oh,” she said, as if just seeing him there. “No, no, our plans are still intact,” she assured, offering nothing else.
“I FEEL NO DIFFERENT,” Zodak informed, pacing in his cell thirty minutes after the nano biologic containment protocol was implemented. “How will I know it worked?”
“It’s still in adaptive learning stages, Brother,” Vael said over the intercom.
“I need to see her.”
“You want to try and siphon?” Gauld wondered.
“I have to do what it takes to make sure this will work. And to see she’s okay.”
“I’ll let them know to bring her,” Vael said. “How you feeling?”
“Oddly energized.”
“Your neural, cardiac, and electrodermal activity are all stable.”
He wished itfeltlike it.
“Trixie is bringing her now,” Gauld said.
“Donotleave us,” he hurried.
“We’ll be right here monitoring everythingclosely,” Alerik assured.
ZEN FOLLOWED TRIXIEleading her to where Zodak was, fear overtaking her confusion. She’d undergone all their tests without asking a single one of the million questions she’d had. To show she trusted him.
Please let him be okay. Please don’t take him from me.Who was she begging? She knew but didn’t remember. She still couldn’t believe she’d endured the most amazing experience of her life with him. Was he angry at her for it? Had she pushed him too far? Did he love it as much as she had? Would she ever be able to experience it again? Return the gift?
“Here,” Trixie said with her colorful personality and smile, opening the door. “Through there,” she directed, her bright green fingernails pointing the way. They matched the highlights in her hair and flecks in her brown eyes, making her fun to look at.
Zen hurried where instructed, her heart falling to her stomach at seeing Zodak still in a glass room with his lenses on, palms pressed on the barrier. She ran to him, wanting to place her hands right on his but unsure if she should.
Her name broke on his beautiful voice and lodged her pulse in her throat. “Zodak?” she whispered. “Are you hurt?” She blinked back tears. “I did all the tests like you said. I didn’t say a word. What will happen to me? Do I have to leave?”
“No,” he hurried softly. “You’re staying with me. I’m protecting you like I said.”
Her tears fell and she quickly wiped them, wanting to be strong for him. “I promise not to do the things you say not to,” she said. “I shouldn’t have pushed you.”
He looked down. “My brothers have found a way to strengthen me so that I'm not affected by this.”
Hope flooded her. “Really?”