Page 39 of The Syphon King

“Joe. Call me Joe.”

“What is strength to you?”

“You have a problem with my name? Is it not pretty enough for you?”

“No ma’am.”

“Now I’m a ma’am. So, no you have no problem or no it’s not up to par with your name game?”

“Now I’m thoroughly confused.”

“What makes a man strong is one who knows what he wants, wants it enough to get it and loves it enough to keep it.”

“I do know what I want, and do want it enough to get it, but not everything we want can be obtained with these measures. I want to help Rosavelt but there are obstacles to be considered...” He paused at seeing her jaw drop in his peripheral, daring a glance at her.


He faced her fully. “Why do you insist on taking all things I say negatively?”

Her eyes widened. “Because it’s negative!” She turned all around. “Where is the bathroom?”

“I’ll escort you to it.”

She jerked her arm out of his hand. “I can walk on my own and I don’t think any of your brothers intend to molest me.” She tapped the nearest shoulder and Vael turned. “Where’s the restroom please?”

He locked eyes with his brother who gave a small grin, pointing at Vex. “That man there can point the way.”

Another life spared.

She shot him a glare and muttered, “I’ll find it,” as she shot off.

Vex followed her from a distance as Rosavelt’s precious laughter brought a round of big laughs from his brothers. He slowed, watching her mother get directions from one of their students. Lacey. Their strongest empath healer. Her troubled face cleared as Vex passed her with a nodding wink, earning her bright smile and neutralizing her gift.

He stood outside the women’s lavatory, considering the next logical move at this point in the night’s unfolding disaster. He could not permit another thing to interrupt Rosavelt’s art showing. It was too important. He needed to clear the air with her mother if that was going to happen.

She exited the bathroom and before he could launch his plan, she held up a hand to him. “Don’t. I’m so sorry, I cannot believe the ungrateful bitch I’m being.”

He dared not speak with this sudden one-eighty, damn sure it would be fuel to the wrong fire. His gaze fell to the delicate cleavage at her chest, and she covered it with both hands.

“Is it really that bad?” she whispered distressed. “This is why I don’t wear dresses and never will again.”

“Good,” he said, realizing he’d meant to only think that one. “It’s good you have a solution to the problem.”

She shook her head at him, appearing dumbfounded. “You are so weird.”

And you are so beautiful, he wanted to say, but sure it would only get taken wrong. She walked off and he followed, getting his arm snagged by somebody. “Nitro.”

“How you doing?” he asked in his ear.

“Still burning in a lust-rage hell, thank you for asking.”

Nitro grinned and leaned in while Vex tracked her with his eyes. “I’m flying with my feathered brothers without leaving my body. All my instincts are stronger when I drink your blood. Not just stronger, but...more controlled.”

“How much can you manipulate what you give and take?”

“Now that Iknowyour blood, I can manage it easier. I gave you what it feels like because there’s no other way to understand it outside of feeling it. And if you haven’t fucked her yet, then you haven’ttruly felt all of it. When it takes you? There is no denying it. And you will kill anybody who tries to stop you. And theywilltry to stop you.”
