Vex nodded. “That would surely be a required step.” He eyed 8-Bit for a few seconds and stuck his hand out for a shake. “I look forward to working with you.”
8-Bit shook his hand, nodding. “Same here, man.”
VEX DIALED MISS SKELTONas he hurried to his apartment to triple check it was ready for company. He was really pushing his multitasking limits. He’d insisted onnotseeing Rosavelt’s paintings the day before. Such things required a proper reveal and that was tonight, in the middle of the world-ending meeting with the Marsh Kings, followed by dinner where he’d sneak a quick meet and greet with his brothers who were eager to make Rosavelt’s acquaintance.
“I’m so sorry we’re running late,” she answered on the phone. “Rosavelt decided I was her Barbi Doll so be aware I amnotresponsible for what resulted.”
“How far are you?”
“Fifteen minutes?”
“Call me when you arrive, and I’ll escort you.”
“Hi Vex,” Rosavelt called.
“Hello Rosavelt,” he returned with a grin.
“He says hello,” Miss Skelton relayed.
“Tell him I have a surprise.”
“I think heheard you. You heard that?”
“I did,” he said.
“Also, I brought my tools so I can take a look at your clock.”
“This is not a work date, is it?”
“It’s...well, technically it can be called a date, I guess,” she reasoned under her breath.
“You can’t work!” Rosavelt cried. “You’ll mess your dress.”
Her tinkly, bossy voice and accent made him smile. “She’s right,” Vex agreed.
“Oh boy, I can see how this night will go. Two bossies on my left and right.”
“The clock isn’t going anywhere.”
“Well, if you insist,” she sighed.
“I don’t insist, but I would prefer it,” he said, wanting out of the bossy category.
“I think I prefer you pushy,” she muttered.
“Whatever you wish.” He was certainly more adept at handling things in a linear path with few curves.
“Yep, definitely prefer you bossy. This wishy-washy doesn’t suit you at all.”
“Bossy it will be.”
“Well, now that technically made me the boss,” she realized as he arrived at his apartment.
“Just that once,” he assured.
She gave a snicker. “You’re covering the rest, huh?”
“It’s what you asked for.”