Page 28 of The Syphon King

The door behind them opened and all turned as the Kings’ absentees walked in. All but one took a seat while the last stopped next to Nidev and said something that brought a three second gaze lock between them.

“Uh-oh,” Beth barely said.


Nidev said something to the informant who nodded and took a seat.

“Before moving on, I’d like to thank 8-Bit for assisting us with the data tracking as well as ask if he’d be interested in helping us crack the program Rukem has created during his sleepwalking episodes.” He took a couple seconds to eye all of them. “With this latest news I’ve just received, I think it’s critical to understand what that’s about. We were under the assumption that Vex would see the next coin but instead, our brother Thakx has. Given that Zodak’s powers have been compromised, we must assume his predictions possibly were as well. The good part is, Thakx’s gift is relevant to our situation. His abilities lie in the spectrum ofseeing.If the coins play some role in unlocking a King’s power, we can hope his gift will aid us in unlocking Rukem’s Dreamscape that we may attempt to decipher more of what’s happening.”

“I’ll be happy to help however I can,” 8-Bit said.

“King Rukem,” Nidev acknowledged when he raised his hand.

“As you know, I was among the Kings who didn’t believe linking with a female was necessary for power, but I am quite sure the coins play no part in unlocking a King’s gifts.”

“Here we go,” the King on his right muttered.

“I’m not suggestinganything,” Rukem said, angling his gaze toward him. “But do be prepared to bewrong, brother.”

“What does this coin look like?” Seer asked.

“Like Rukem’s,” King Thakx said. “Only with the word Lust on it.”

“Ohhh,interesting,” Beth whispered, like they were playing a fun game of Clue.

Maggie’s hand shot up and wagged in the air.

“Yes, Maggie,” Nidev called.

“Can I touch him?”

“Please,” Nidev said after getting a single nod from Thakx.

Maggie hopped up and Spook grabbed her arm and she lowered back to her seat, giving him her ear. They exchanged words, then a kiss before Spook said, “I would prefer the King come to her.”

Beth sucked in a breath and stifled a squeal. “How adorable,” she barely peeped as Bishop eyed the King who rose and did as requested.

Maggie stood when he reached her. “Your dominant hand again,” she said, taking the King’s righthand into both of hers.

A minute later a woman entered with paper and something to draw with, bringing it to Nidev. The paper and pen passed from King to King till it reached Spook who set it before Maggie’s chair.

Beth leaned in closer to him. “What do you think she’s seeing?”

Her words barely registered as her breast pushed into his arm. He pulled her hand into his lap and formed a loose fist with it then slid his middle finger in and out of the hole.

She jerked to get free and he held her tight, biting back a grin as he leaned to her ear. “Tarzan need Jane.”

She managed to hide her snicker behind his shoulder as she pried at his fingers around her wrist. He kissed her cheek when she resorted to stabbing her nails into his skin, her innocent smile glowing.

He set her free and moved his hand over her womb in a reverent caress. She aimed her gaze at him, covering his hand with hers. Five seconds inside her stare reminded him of everything he had to protect. The softening of her eyes and smile meant she’d just read his mind and found it all sweet.

“I’m done,” Maggie said with a big breath.

He looked and realized she’d been drawing and now hurried around the table and handed the paper to King Thakx with an apology, then returned to her seat.

All eyes watched him as he stared, head angling left then right while Bishop burned to know what had the power to put such a look of disgust on his face. The King finally shook his head. “I’m getting nothing.”

He slid the paper to the King next to him, getting more shock adding to the suspense. The same expressions followed as the drawing made its way around the table with Maggie’s apology coming every other minute. When it got to Beth, he leaned and discovered the just cause for all these reactions.