“I know. I know…it’s probably not the most ideal arrangement for you.” He tries pacifying me, almost like he knows exactly how absurd he sounds saying that.
Of course. It would be easier to swallow if he were married, at least, but his being a single dad complicates things.
Living with a single man can be dangerous. I look him over as I think this.
I don't know why— I mean, I could easily decline and we'd call it a day—but I'm nurturing the thought, thinking of the possibilities.
He seemed very put together and respectful over text, and sitting here, looking into those gorgeous eyes…everything inside me is screaming yes…but moving into his house?
I'm only considering this even though I know it's risky because he's smoking hot and he makes me feel butterflies in my stomach. They do say attractive people get people to trust them more easily. I feel a bit silly.
Live-in nanny…I was out of my depth and crazy for even considering trying it for the first time with a hot, single dad!
“I…I don’t. I just don't know,” I stammer. “I haven’t done this before. I don’t understand how it’s supposed to work.” I finish.
“Look.” He clears his throat, “The truth is that I would never have asked this of you if I didn’t think it was necessary. As I mentioned earlier, I’d be very busy from now on. I recently landed a new business deal which will require all my attention. I live with my younger brother and usually I can count on him forbabysitting but only for short periods because he needs to work too. I can’t leave my kids all alone by themselves unattended when he isn’t available…”
There’s another man in the equation?
Before this can make me more guarded, he continues, lowering his voice, “And even if he were fully available…we’ve both decided that the kids need professional help. I think there’s something wrong with them.” His head drops.
“Sorry?” I ask, raising my eyebrows in curiosity.
He clears his throat uncomfortably. “I’m a bit worried. My daughter, she’s thirteen. But she has never—not even once—introduced me to anyone as her friend. I mean, she’s a teenager…she’s a straight-A student, don’t get me wrong. But that’s all she ever does—schoolwork. And my little boy… he’s nine but doesn’t say a thing most of the time. One would think he’s nonverbal.” His voice is filled with frustration.
I'm quiet for a moment, contemplating my next response and he's looking at me, waiting for my reply. He sounds frustrated by his kids’ distance from him and their lack of social life. It's no biggie, really. I've handled kids like these a dozen times, and I know how to help, but his proposal is still gnawing at me.
“You still with me?” he asks.
I jerk my eyes in his direction and sigh softly, nodding.
“Look, I know this is a lot to take in,” he says. “I just feel like they need more fun in their lives. I genuinely don’t know how to help them, that's why I’m seeking your help. Living with us can help you build a connection with them and maybe that’s the change they need.”
I sigh after listening to him, and now that he explains it this way, it makes sense why he wants a live-in nanny. Still, it feels weird, very weird.
“I don't know, Mr. Johnson,” I say. “I'd like to help your kids but…moving in is a bit…” I can't seem to find the right words to express myself.
“I understand your skepticism, I do. And honestly, I'd be worried if you didn't see this as creepy,” he confessed. He managed to smoothly put a slight smile on my face.
“Yeah, it is a little strange,” I agree.
He grins faintly. “You can look up my time in the military…you can also tell someone you trust where you will be.”
My mind quickly drifts back to my discussion with Jamie. She said that I live a boring life. So yes, this may be my chance at stepping out of my comfort zone.
I do have some concerns about becoming a live-in nanny. While being a nanny means I’m often in strangers’s homes with their children, I’ve always been able to go back to my own home afterward.
Drew does seem like a good guy, if a little tough and stern. Plus, his situation does sound like a challenge, which definitely makes things interesting.
I could just think of it as living with roommates. People have made riskier decisions just by finding someone to share an apartment with during college.
This isn’t so bad…right?
“Can I get some time to think about it?” I hear myself asking.
He leans back in his seat. “Absolutely, take all the time you need.”