“Not yet. I have to make sure things are in order first, but soon.”

He nods. "Don’t stay up too late.” Without another word, he turns to climb up the stairs to his bedroom.

I watch as he walks away, my heart feeling lighter than it has in forever. I wonder what Drew would say if he found out that I was messing around with his brother so soon after I started working for them.

Once Nathan disappears from sight, I return outside to stand on the porch for a moment, savoring the cool breeze and the warmth that Nathan's kiss left on my lips.

I slip inside quietly, careful not to wake the kids. My thoughts are a chaotic jumble of desire and confusion as I tiptoe to my room. I change into my pajamas and slide under the covers, replaying the evening in my mind.

The memory of Nathan's kiss lingers, making my skin tingle with the afterglow. I can still feel the warmth of his touch, the gentle pressure of his lips.

It's a heady sensation and one that I can't shake off easily. As I lay there, staring at the ceiling, my mind drifts back to our conversation.

Nathan had been so understanding, so genuine with his words. He hadn't made me feel silly or embarrassed about my feelings. Instead, he had acknowledged them, validated them, and assured me that I wasn't weird for having them.

But what now? How do I navigate this tangled web of attraction and affection without crossing professional boundaries?

I sigh, knowing that there's no easy answer. All I can do is take it one day at a time, just like Nathan said. Unfortunately, when I drift off into sleep, thoughts of all three men still clash in my mind, locked in mortal combat, threatening to drive me mad.

Chapter 8


I fume at the thought of those unsavory bastards attempting to touch Nancy. My heart is filled with jealousy, and if those sick fucks had so much as waited a second longer, they'd have ended up in the hospital with a couple of fractured ribs and broken bones. Idiots!

The mere thought of their attempt at harassment angers me, but I'm relieved that she didn't indulge them.

I head upstairs to my bedroom, still riding the high from my heated kiss with Nancy at the bar. I can't get the feeling of her soft lips moving against mine out of my head, or the way her body seemed to melt into me when I pulled her close.

Letting out a long breath, I flop down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling, replaying the whole encounter over in my mind. Nancy's drunken confession about finding me, Drew, and Carlos attractive had been…unexpected, to say the least. But also definitely intriguing.

I’ve only just met her, but I can’t deny the sexual tension I felt between us from the moment I saw her. I felt it at dinner, and every time I was in the same room with her.

Unfortunately, she’s Drew’s employee, and harboring any feelings beyond platonic friendliness would be wildly inappropriate.

And yet, I can't deny the powerful pull of attraction I feel any time she’s around. Her warmth and light seem to draw me in like a moth to a flame. Those sparkling green eyes and dimpled smile make my heart stutter every damn time.

I know I'm not alone in noticing how gorgeous she is, either. The looks Drew and Carlos have been shooting her way make it pretty obvious they're just as smitten.

Drew tries to play it cool with his typical brooding intensity, but I've caught him openly ogling Nancy's curves more than once when he thinks no one is paying attention.

As for Carlos…well, the man has never been one to hide his interests or desires. He clearly finds Nancy attractive and will subtly steal glances at her, earning him irritated glares from my brother.

This indicates that there's something magnetic about Nancy that has all three of us slowly going mad with want. Her drunken confession tonight felt like it was giving voice to all that smoldering tension that I can feel steadily ratcheting up since she stepped into our lives.

I can't stop thinking about how boldly she admitted to finding us attractive, with no hint of embarrassment or shame about the fact that her desires seem to encompass all three of us. If anything, she looked almost…relieved to finally get it out in the open.

My cock twitches insistently in my jeans as I picture the heated look in Nancy's eyes right before our lips met. She had been practically devouring me with that intense stare, desire, and need written plainly across her features as she leaned in close.

Groaning softly, I give in and palm at the stiff bulge straining against the taut denim. I can't resist giving myself some relief…not with memories of Nancy's plush lips and the breathy whimpers she made against my mouth flooding my mind.

It's been so long since I've been intimate with anyone, my body is feeling ravenous and alight with arousal. Damn her for torturing me like this with nothing more than a kiss.

"Get a grip, Nate," I mutter to myself, trying and failing to will away the throbbing ache between my legs.

Finally giving in, I tug my zipper down and shove a hand into my boxer briefs, fisting my swollen length with a relieved hiss.

I give myself a few firm strokes, hips bucking eagerly into the tight channel of my fist as I let my mind drift back to Nancy's lush lips and her unbelievable curves.