Nathan hums thoughtfully, nodding along as he listens. "You're not wrong. Bella used to be so vibrant as a kid, always giggling and enthusiastic about everything. But somewhere along the way..." He sighs, scrubbing a hand through his tousled auburn hair. "She started withdrawing into herself more and more."

"Well, that's what I'm here for," I say firmly, feeling a surge of determination. "To help bring that light back out in both her and Jason."

At the mention of Drew's son, Nathan's expression turns rueful. "Jason is another puzzle entirely. Kid's been quiet as a mouse ever since…well, ever since his mom took off."

My heart clenches at the sorrow in his words. The poor boy. No wonder he's so solemn and withdrawn. Losing a parent like that would be devastating at any age, but at such a tender age as nine? I can't even imagine the depths of that wound.

"We've gotta fix that," I murmur, more to myself than Nathan as I jot down a few more notes about engaging Jason more, trying to coax him out of his shell. "For both of them, really. They can't keep going on like this."

"I knew you'd get it," Nathan says warmly. There's a fierce sense of pride in his eyes as he watches me scribble, like a doting older brother observing his brilliant younger sibling. The look catches me off guard, stealing my breath.

I quickly refocus on the notebook, flipping to a fresh page as I search for a way to change the subject before I embarrass myself again.

"Oh, and here—for Bella specifically, I had an idea that we could take her shopping soon. Get her interested in fashion, makeup, that sort of thing. It could really help her start blossoming into her own unique style and give her a confidence boost, you know?"

Nathan scratches at the stubble along his strong jaw, looking contemplative. "That could work. Though I have a feeling Drewmight not be too crazy about the idea of his little girl getting all made up and girly."

I snort, rolling my eyes good-naturedly. "What? Is he afraid she'll suddenly start noticing boys and the world will end?"

The words are out before I can think better of them, colored by years of wry observances of the overprotective dads who used to hover when I babysat as a teenager.

I flush, afraid I've overstepped—but Nathan merely throws back his head and laughs, a deep belly laugh that erases years from his face. Crinkles appear at the corners of those beautiful eyes, striking smile lines etching across sun-bronzed skin.

In that moment, he's breathtaking. And dangerous in an entirely different way as an unmistakable flare of wanting tightens low in my belly.

"You've got his number, that's for sure," Nathan manages after his laughter subsides to intermittent chuckles. "Drew's so worried about Bella growing up that I'm pretty sure he'd lock her in a tower forever if he could."

He sobers then, giving me an approving nod. "But you're right. As scary as it might seem for him, she needs experiences like that to really start coming into her own. We can't shelter them forever."

"Exactly!" I agree emphatically, feeling gratified to have an ally in Nathan. I start to say more, but the sound of heavy footsteps in the hallway cuts me off.

A moment later, Drew appears in the open doorway of my bedroom, eyes narrowing infinitesimally as he takes in the sceneof Nathan and I sitting close on the bed. For his part, Nathan doesn't seem the least bit fazed by his brother's gruff presence, merely offering him a lazy smile in greeting.

"There you are," Drew rumbles, his tone low and vaguely accusing in a way that instantly puts me on the defensive. "Everything all right in here?"

"Everything's great," Nathan assures him easily. He glances at me conspiratorially. "Nancy was just telling me about some of her plans for you know who."

Drew's intense gaze swings to pin me in place, that stormy expression transmuting to wary curiosity. "Her plans?"

I do my best not to squirm under the scrutiny of those liquid brown eyes. Bolstered by Nathan's support, I square my shoulders and meet Drew's stare head-on.

"Yes, my plans," I affirm briskly. "I think getting Bella involved in exploring her interests is crucial right now. Things like fashion, makeup, and expressing herself through her own personal style."

I pause, searching Drew's impassive face for any reaction. When he simply continues scowling, arms crossed over that intimidatingly broad chest, I push onward.

"I think it could really help build her confidence and give her an outlet beyond just academics," I continue. "She's at such a pivotal age—this is when she should be discovering who she is as a young woman, not just shutting herself off from the world."

A muscle ticks in Drew's clenched jaw as I speak. I can practically see the objections forming behind those hooded eyesof his. Sure enough, when I finish, he shakes his head once in a curt negative.

"Absolutely not," he growls. "She's too young for all that makeup and boy-crazy stuff. I won't have her growing up too fast."

He turns around to leave without giving me a chance to protest his statement, and I feel like I’ve just been slapped on the cheek.Oh, no you don’t.

“That’s the wrong way to look at things,” I call from behind Drew, following him back down to the living room.

He settles into the couch and turns on the TV, effectively ignoring me. The gesture riles me up more than it has any right to, and I walk around to stand beside him, clenching my hands by my side so tightly that my nails dig into the meat of my palm.

“Drew? I’m sorry, but I think this is important,” I try again, pushing down my annoyance and irritation. “You wanted me to help these children. It would be nice if you allowed me try to do that and trust that I know what I’m doing.”