Royal stands back so that he can get a look and reaches to light a cigarette. “If you scream loud enough, maybe one of your neighbors will come untie your fucking ass.” He flicks his lit cigarette at the side of Colton’s head.

“Fuck you!” Colton screams while pulling at the ropes. “I’m calling the cops.”

Blaine disappeared into the house a couple of minutes ago, but steps back outside, smirking as he looks down at Colton. “With what?” He holds up a cell phone. “This?” He shakes his head and then leans down to set the phone down in front of Colton where he can’t reach it. “Good luck, bitch.”

“Fuck you! Fuck you! Come back here and untie me!”

Royal and Blaine walk back to the truck, ignoring Colton as he continues to yell at them, cussing and pulling at the ropes.

Blaine pokes his head inside the truck and smiles at me. “Told you it’d be fun to watch.”

I look back out the window at Colton struggling, naked, and tied to his porch. I have to admit that it somehow makes the night worth it.

I smile and grab Royal’s face as he hops back into the truck. “How did you get him naked? Did you undress him?” I ask with a laugh.

Royal smiles against my lips and then kisses me. “Caught his ass in the shower. Now let’s get you home to rest.”

I nod my head and then lean back into him as Blaine pulls away from Colton’s house. With this neighborhood, I’m pretty sure that the cops are already on their way to untie him, but just knowing that they’ll find him naked, baring his little dick to the world, makes me a happy girl. Maybe he’ll learn to stop being such an ass to everyone.

We pull up to Royal’s house.

“You two good for the night?” He questions over the seat.

“Yeah,” Royal responds. “I’ll let you know if she needs anything.”

“Alright, brother.” Blaine smiles at me. “I got your back, girl. If you need some ice cream, a chick flick, or a full body rub . . .” He playfully lifts his brows. “Call me.”

Royal palms his face and pushes him away. “Don’t push my ass tonight.”

Laughing, I pull Royal’s hand away from Blaine’s face. “Take it easy on dirty Blaine. He means well.”

“She totally gets me,” Blaine says teasingly, before becoming serious. “Now get your ass inside and take care of her.”

After Royal helps me out of the truck, he takes me downstairs to his bedroom, undresses us both, and crawls into bed, pulling me under the blankets with him.

Every once in a while I doze off, but Royal wakes me up to check on me, before rubbing my head while I fall back to sleep again.

This goes on for most of the night, as he is now, but this time, it’s with him on top of me and between my legs.

When I open my eyes, I reach up and grab his face as he slowly enters me.

He’s extra careful with me, slowly thrusting in and out, while leaning his forehead against mine and breathing gently against my lips.

Looking into his eyes and seeing the passion inside of them as he buries himself deep inside of me, has me about ready to break. All of my emotions take over and suddenly I feel as if I’m going to suffocate if I don’t get the words out.

I lock my feet together behind his ass and close my eyes as he makes love to me, touching and kissing every single place on my body that he can get to at the moment.

He’s so quiet; too quiet, and I don’t know what to make of it.

“Royal,” I whisper.

“Shhh . . .” he says against my lips.

I shake my head and grab onto his hair as he starts moving a little faster. “I need . . .” I whisper. “I need to tell–”

“What,” he asks, cutting me off. “Am I hurting you? Does your head hurt?”

I shake my head.

“Then close your eyes, baby.” He leans in to whisper in my ear. “I need you to feel this right now. Just feel me . . .”

I grip onto him tighter, closing my eyes and letting him slowly take me. He’s moving so slowly that I can barely handle it. It feels too good. I can feel every single inch of him each time that he pulls out and moves back in. It’s the most intense pleasure I’ve ever felt in my life.

“Come with me,” he whispers into my neck. “I want to feel you squeeze my dick.”

“Okay,” I whisper. “I feel it.”

He thrusts in a few more times, before we both come undone, holding each other as we ride out our orgasms, both of us breathing heavily against each other’s mouths.

His hands move up my neck, to push my hair out of my face. “I think you’re okay to sleep now. It’s been close to six hours.” He leans in and kisses my forehead. “I’ll let you get some rest.”

I move my hands to cup his face. He closes his eyes as I rub my fingertips underneath them. “Royal . . .” I brush my lips across his face, stopping to whisper in his ear. “I’ve fallen in love with you. I love you and I’m hoping one day you can learn to love me back.”

He pulls away from me. “Avalon . . . don’t . . .”

“I know,” I say. “I know it’s not easy for you. It’s okay,” I whisper. “It’s okay.”

He rolls over and sits up on the side of the bed. “Fuck,” he whispers. He runs his hands over his face, before standing up and getting dressed. “I shouldn’t have let it get this far.”

He starts pacing around the room.

“Royal.” I sit up and cover myself up with the sheet. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t keep it inside anymore. I. Love. You. You’re good. You’re so good to me. No one has ever made me feel this way. I wish you could see that.”

He stops pacing and stops next to the dresser, gripping the edge of it. “You can’t,” he growls out. “I need to go.”

Fear rushes through me as soon as he mentions leaving. “Please don’t say that. Don’t leave.”

“I have to,” he whispers.

I quickly jump to my feet and grab his arm to make him look at me. “No you don’t, Royal. You don’t have to go anywhere. Stay here. Stay here with me.”

“You don’t understand.” He yanks his arm away from me and zips up his jeans. “Dammit, Avalon. It’s not that fucking easy.” He backs me up against the wall and pins me in. “You make me feel. I never thought I’d feel again, but here you are, making me think that maybe there’s a chance for me to be human; a chance at me being me again. Do you get that? Do you get how impossible that is?”