Madison tears off a piece of her bagel and grins. “So damn true.”

Everyone gets quiet, sitting in their own little random spots around the kitchen and eating. It’s a comfortable silence and I find that I like it. I could get used to this being my mornings.

“Come on, Blaine.” Madison jumps to her feet and walks over to straddle Blaine in his chair. “I have a few hours before work. You up for round five?”

Blaine quickly stands to his feet, picking her up with him. “Oh fuck yeah.” He tosses his piece of sausage down and grips her ass, before spanking it hard. He turns to Royal. “I’ll catch your ass later at Savage, yeah?”

Royal nods his head.

Then Blaine carries Madison out of the kitchen and we hear her bedroom door slam shut.

“Go get dressed while I clean up.” Royal pushes away from the counter and walks over to me. He places both of his hands on my hips and squeezes. “I’ve got to go help a friend with something real fast.”

Smiling, I wrap both of my arms around his neck. “Oh yeah. And what makes you think I want to go with?”

Royal leans in and brushes his lips against mine, before grabbing my bottom lip in his teeth and gently tugging. “What?” He whispers. “You don’t want to?”

I nod my head and suck my bottom lip into my mouth as he releases it. “I’ll get dressed,” I say, while rubbing the back of his head.

“That’s my girl,” he says against my lips, before kissing me and walking away to clean up.

I exit my room fifteen minutes later to find Royal standing on the front porch, texting on his phone.

He looks up when he hears me open the screen door. “You look fucking sexy in an old pair of jeans with your hair pulled back.” He hits end on his phone and puts it away, before even finishing his message. “Fuuck me.” He cups my face and presses his lips against mine. “How the fuck do you always taste so good? I’m pissed that my brother ever got to taste you. No more of that shit. Not as long as I’m breathing. Got it?”

“Yeah,” I barely get out, through my heavy breathing. “Your lips are so much better than his anyways,” I say with a smile.

His face softens and I’m surprised when he pulls me into a hug and buries his face in my neck. That always gets me.

I could never get tired of the way he makes me feel, and I suddenly feel emotional as he holds me close, as if he needs me. It makes my heart go crazy in my chest and causes my stomach to do flips, making me want to scream out that I love this man and I never want him to let go.

I want to always be what he needs. I want to always be his comfort and to be the neck that he buries his face in; no one else.

He finally pulls his face away. “Let’s go.” Grabbing my hand, he walks me to his truck and opens the door for me. Like always, he helps me in and shuts the door behind me.

“What about your text?” I ask once he’s inside the truck with me.

“I’m with you right now. Jax’s text can wait.”

My heart swells and my breath hitches when I feel Royal’s hand grab mine. He pulls it into his lap and runs his thumb over it.

“What if it’s important?” I can’t help but to ask.

“Then he’ll call when I don’t text back.” He glances over at me, before turning the radio up and relaxing into his seat as if he’s comfortable and content for the first time in a long time.

I spread my hand out on his thigh and smile as I watch him drive.

How can one man be so damn beautifully broken and breathtaking?

We drive for a good twenty minutes, before pulling down a dirt road that leads us to a big white house.

“Cole is an old friend of mine. He was Riley’s brother.”

I squeeze his thigh. “What happened to Riley?”

He parks the truck and looks over at me, while pulling the keys out of the ignition. “A motorcycle accident. Someone in a van ran the stop sign and hit him. He died on impact.”

“Oh my God.” I look at him, now worried for his safety. “I don’t know what I’d do if that ever happened–”

“Don’t worry,” he cuts me off. “That will be the last thing that takes me.”

He releases my hand and grips the door handle. “Come on.”

I jump out of the truck and meet up with Royal at the front. He grabs my hand and starts walking toward the barn.

“You out here, Cole?” He yells when we get closer to the front of the barn.

“Yeah, Man,” Cole yells in return. “This shit is pissing me off. Can’t get it to start for . . .”

His words trail off as he steps through the door to see Royal and me.

“Hi,” he says to me, looking a bit shocked. He wipes his hand off on a rag and reaches it out for me to grab. “I’m Cole.”

“This is my girlfriend, Avalon,” Royal says while squeezing the hand he’s been holding. “I thought you guys should meet.”

I look over at Royal, trying to contain my surprise at his word choice: girlfriend.

His girlfriend?!? Am I his fucking girlfriend? Oh God. Please say yes. I just need to hear it one more time.

I look at his lips, silently willing them to move again and repeat the word.

Royal must sense my hesitation, so he pulls me to him and presses his lips against mine. “Yes, you’re my fucking girl. I can’t share you with anyone and I don’t have any plans to. Got it?”

I swallow and turn around to grab Cole’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Cole. Sorry to hear about your brother.”

Cole gives me a weak smile. “Thanks. It’s good to meet you as well.” He looks me over, as if he still can’t believe that I’m standing here. “I never thought I’d see the day that this guy brought another girl here.”

Royal releases my hand and runs his hands through his hair. “Alright, Man. Let’s just get this shit looked at.”

Cole smiles at me. “Feel free to take a seat anywhere you want or walk around and hang out. It won’t take long. Royal is a fucking genius when it comes to getting motorcycles running.”

Royal plasters on a cocky smile while stripping out of his black flannel and bending down to work on the bike.

Finding an empty crate, I take a seat and watch Royal as he works.

I find it so damn sexy watching him get dirty from the motor and I can’t help but to beam as I watch him move and work so easily, as if it’s nothing to him.