Usually I would get out and go see her, but I needed her to hear our song to show her how much I still care and miss her. I love that fucking woman. Always will.

Gathering my emotions, I pull out of the cemetery and head for the bar, knowing that nothing else needs to be said right now.

I left Jax and Blaine there when I left to wait for Avalon to get off work.

When I get about three blocks away from Savage & Ink, a cop zooms past me with their lights flashing.

I instantly know there’s trouble from the direction he’s heading. It’s not hard to figure out.

“Fucking shit! What did you do now, Blaine?”

Stepping on the gas, I run the fucking red light and fly past the cop, quickly turning down the next street to beat him.

As soon as the bar comes into view, the first thing I notice is Officer Knight’s car outside and see the boys brawling outside in the parking lot, with Mark trying to get it under control.

Parking my truck, I jump out with my adrenaline pumping and rush over to where Blaine is on the ground with Kane on top of him.

I rush into action, kicking Kane in the face hard as fuck when he reaches for his gun and points it at Blaine’s head.

Scrambling to grab Kane’s gun that he dropped, I get it in my reach before he does and smack him in the side of the head with it, repeatedly, letting my anguish get the best of me.

Then I lean in close to his face and shove the barrel into his big mouth, about two seconds away from pulling the trigger.

“Don’t ever fucking threaten my brother’s life. I won’t hesitate to fucking blow your brains through your skull.”

“Fuuck oue,” he mumbles over the gun.

“Fuck me!” I scream, while shoving the gun deeper; so deep that he starts gagging and choking for air. “Test me motherfucker. Go ahead. Do it!”

“Royal!” Mark yells from behind me, drawing my attention away right as the second set of flashing lights arrive, parking next to Mark’s car. “Drop that fucking gun. Shit, Man! Don’t be stupid. Now!”

Grinding my jaw, I look Kane in the eyes, while dropping his gun and standing back up to my feet. “Don’t fuck up, Motherfucker. I’ll be watching.”

When I look over, Jax is backing away from some drunk asshole that rides with Kane and his crew.

They’re both bloodied and Jax’s black shirt is lying beside his feet. Watching me, he nods his head and reaches for his shirt.

Blaine steps beside me and cracks his neck, while looking down at Kane as he struggles back to his feet.

“Put your fucking hands up! Now!”

Letting out an angry breath, I throw my hands up to show him that I’m not holding any weapons. Not anymore at least.

The new officer at the scene lines us all up and drops us down to our knees after patting us down for weapons.

He stops in front of me and grabs the top of my hair, forcing me to look at him. “You’re the fucker that–”

Standing up, I shake his hand free and slam my head into his face, causing him to stumble back and reach for his gun.

“Fucking piece of shit! Fuck! Back down to your knees.”

“Calm the fuck down, Ryan,” Knight growls out. “You deserved that shit.” He points at his gun. “Put that shit away. He’s good.”

Officer Ryan flexes his jaw and slowly puts his gun away. “He fucking flew past me to get here and then he was on top of a guy when I arrived. He needed force.”

“The fuck he did,” Mark argues. “He’s been here the whole time. Your mistake.” Mark glances my way and narrows his eyes, before turning away. “Let’s just get these two out of here. That one pulled a gun.” He nods to Kane. “It was self-defense for these three. They were protecting their bar.”

“Fuck!” The dickhead cop yells out when I smirk at him. “Whatever. Let’s just get this shit over with.”

“We’re talking later,” Mark mouths at me, while grabbing Kane.

Turning away, I grip my hair in frustration and stare at the building. That’s when I notice the fucking window.

“Blaine, you fucking dick,” I mutter.

“I told you, Motherfucker,” Jax says to Blaine. “He’s pissed as fuck. Good luck.” With that, he steps through the window, leaving Blaine to take my wrath alone.

“Tell me,” I say stiffly. “I’m in need of a good fucking story right about now.”

“The motherfucker called my cock small.” He shrugs and pulls out a cigarette. “So I showed him who had the bigger dick.”

I clench my jaw. “By throwing him through my window?”

Blaine grabs his dick and thrusts it at the police cars as they pull off. “Fuck yeah, small dicked bitch. How you like it?” He yells.

Pissed as shit, I slap him upside the head. “You’re a fucking idiot.” I grip his shoulder and get in his face. “You’ll always be like a brother to me and I’ll always have your back no matter what, but don’t be so fucking stupid.” I release his shoulder and walk away. “Clean that shit up.”

I hop in my truck and head in the direction that I need to be.

The only place I want to be right now . . .

AFTER ROYAL STORMED OFF AND left me, Madison decided to let herself into my room and hit me with a bunch of annoying questions that only made me want to throat punch her ass.

After about the fifth one, I finally pushed her out the door and shut it in her face. That was me being nice. I wanted to do a lot more. Her giddiness had me twitching to slap her.

I’m beyond annoyed right now and upset at how Royal just tossed me into my bed and left me after the moment we had outside. All I wanted to do was be there for him and he wouldn’t fucking let me.

It hurts how he just pushed me away, especially when I can see how much he’s dying inside, and all I want to do is ease some of his pain.

I’ve been sitting here in bed for the last hour now, playing with my phone and fighting with myself on whether or not I should text him. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet, but every time I get ready to start typing a message out, my heart starts racing so hard that I can feel my fingers throbbing around my phone and I end up tossing it down in anger.

The more I think about what happened though, the more I feel like I need to say something.

“You know what . . . screw you. You just threw me here and fucking left me.”