It’s the fact that I’m worried Royal has possibly had a run in with Mark in the past and there’s a chance that things might turn out ugly. The last thing I need is Mark telling me to stay away from Royal. That’s the last thing I want to deal with.

When we get outside, I’m a little surprised to see him walking us toward his motorcycle instead of his truck. This dress is not easy to work with, although I did somehow manage to make it work last night.

Sensing my hesitation, he picks me up and swings my leg over his bike, while holding it up for me. “I’ll take care of you,” he says firmly. “Don’t worry. Never fucking worry when you’re with me.”

Facing me, he throws his leg over his bike and grips my thighs, pulling me up to straddle his strong lap. His eyes meet mine, before he captures my lips with his and gently bites the bottom one, growling as he pulls away. “Hold on, Darlin’.”

He grabs his helmet and gently slides it over my head, before throwing his leg back over the bike and turning to face the front, starting the engine.

Burying my face into his back, I wrap my arms around his waist and hold on tight, ready for the ride.

I’M SO DAMN NERVOUS BY the time we arrive outside of my uncle’s house that I can barely even think straight. I’m a bundle of nerves, as Royal grips my hips and helps me to my feet, being sure not to hurt me.

Mark has always given me a hard time about guys that I’ve dated or messed around with in the past, and that was before he even became a cop. He’s always looked out for me the best he could.

His protectiveness is going to come out full force now, especially if he’s had to deal with Royal and his bar in the past, which I know there’s no way he hasn’t. Face it . . . they’re wild. People get hurt and things get broken, especially with Blaine around.

After pulling my helmet off, Royal grabs my face with one hand and presses his lips against mine, as if it’s such a normal thing to do now. “Loosen up,” he breathes against my lips. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

“I hope so. Let’s just hope that he’s in a good mood today,” I say as he grabs my hand and walks me to the door, reaching out to ring the bell before I can.

It takes a few minutes, before Mark swings the door open while tiredly running his hand over his face. “Shit, it’s early, kid. Don’t you . . .”

His words trail off as he finally opens his eyes enough to see Royal standing beside me. He lets out a small huff and then looks down at Royal holding my hand. “Well damn, you’re full of surprises for being so damn early in the morning.” He steps aside and motions for us to come in. “I definitely need some fucking coffee now.”

I swallow hard, walking inside and following Mark to the kitchen as he pours himself a coffee and mumbles a string of curse words to himself.

“Anyone?” He questions while pointing at the cupboard where he keeps his mugs.

“No,” Royal responds, surprising me. “I’m good, Mark.”

I swing my head around to look at Royal, surprised as hell to hear him call my uncle by his first name. “You two know each other?”

“Yeah,” Mark says tiredly. “I see a little more of him than I should, and my day off is not supposed to be one of them.”

“Well it is now,” Royal says firmly, while opening the fridge and pulling out a beer. “Do you mind,” he asks, holding it up.

“Whatever, man. Go ahead.” Mark watches me over his mug as he takes a sip of his coffee. “So Royal is this ‘Harley guy’ that Madison mentioned the other day, huh? Fuck if that doesn’t surprise me.”

I shake my head and go from looking at Royal leaning against the counter as comfortable as can be, and then to Mark who is looking as if he’s just ready to fall over from lack of sleep.

“I’m taking it you guys know each other well?”

Royal tilts his beer back and nods his head toward Mark’s arm. “Where do you think he gets all of his ink from?”

A small laugh escapes me as I picture Mark going to the bar on his days off to drink with Royal’s crazy friends and get tatted. “I guess we’re alike when it comes to that.”

Mark pulls his mug away with a surprised look. “No shit! And you couldn’t even tell me that you got a tattoo? Anything else I should know?”

“Two,” Royal adds. He raises a brow at me and takes another swig of beer, giving me a confident look. “And more to come. Soon.”

“Well you chose the right tattooist. I’ll give you that.” Setting his mug down, Mark walks toward the kitchen door, stopping before walking out. “We need to have a chat,” he says stiffly.

I get ready to walk, but he shakes his head at me. “Not you.”

Royal sets his empty beer down and follows my uncle out of the kitchen, leaving me to wonder what the hell they could be talking about.

I spend the next ten minutes walking around the kitchen, poking my head out the door every few minutes to see if I can hear them talking, but nothing.

I hate the feeling. It makes my stomach twist with uneasiness. I want to know what they’re talking about so fucking badly.

A few minutes later, Royal and Mark return to the kitchen, looking tense; especially Royal.

“Everything good?” I question. “Do I need to separate you boys?”

“Things are fine,” Mark says. “Let’s hope it stays that way too. I’d hate to have to put my cuffs to use.”

Royal’s jaw clenches as he leans over the counter and grips it. “You haven’t had to yet,” he says sternly, before turning to me. “Want a ride back to your house or are you staying here? I got an appointment to take care of soon.”

I look over at Mark to see him yawning again, while reaching to pour more coffee. “Going home. This guy can barely function right now.”

Mark sets his mug in the sink and walks over to me, grabbing my shoulder. He looks like he wants to say something, but is fighting hard to hold it back.

Letting out a frustrated breath, he releases my shoulder. “I’ll check in with you soon. If you need anything, let me know. I don’t care what time of the day it is.”

He turns to Royal and runs both of his hands through his hair tensely. “Keep her safe, dammit. I mean it.”

Royal grabs my hand and pulls me to him, as if to show Mark that he will. “You know I fucking will. Don’t ever fucking question that.” He looks Mark over, before turning away and tightening his grip on my hand. “Let’s go.”