I slide my phone into my pocket and toss my cigarette aside, before wiping sweat out of my eyes. It’s really fucking hot today for some reason and it’s really not helping my shitty mood any.

“Shit! I’m really going to do this.”

Pulling my hair back into a bun, I yank my shirt off and shove a small part of it into my back pocket, before mounting my bike.

I rev the engine a few times, smirking as a police officer at the light watches me. His eyes look me over, sizing me up as I pull up next to him.

Keeping my eyes on him, I lift a brow as he revs his engine at me and looks back and forth between the light and my bike, as if he wants to race.

He keeps his eyes on me for a few seconds longer, before turning away and laughing, as if he’s just intimidated me.

Fuck that. If he wants to race, we can race. I’m all about keeping the law around here entertained.

The light turns green, making my heart pump with adrenaline.

I smirk at the mustached douche behind the wheel when he looks over at me, and motion with my head for him to go. “After you,” I yell.

He takes off fast, me taking off a few seconds behind him to give his pathetic ass a fair chance.

Within seconds I pass his ass up, watching as the front of his police car trails my ass as he tries to pass me, but fails for the next three miles, until we’re caught at a red light.

Stopping, I look over to the left and wait for him to pull up next to me. “Was it as good for you as it was for me, Officer?” I ask with a wicked grin, just to piss him off more. “I’m down for round two.”

Revving my engine, I cock a brow at him, causing him to slam his fist into the steering wheel and cuss under his breath.

I wait for him to say something, try to pull my ass over, anything, but he just grits his jaw at me and drives away as the light turns green again.

As short of a ride as it was, I have to admit that it felt fucking good and relieved some of my tension, and I desperately needed that right now.

Taking off, I glance over at the car next to me when a girl whistles out the window, getting my attention.

“That was hot!” The brunette in the passenger seat shouts, before giving me the thumbs up and gripping the door as her boyfriend turns down the next street to get away.

That fucker didn’t look happy one bit, but I don’t blame him. He looked stiff and stuck up just like Colton. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s just as bored as Avalon was with my brother.

She might just crave that boredom once she gets a glimpse of my fucked up world . . .

I HAVE TO ADMIT THAT hearing from Royal was completely unexpected and surprised the hell out of me. I expected it to be Colton again, since he has already texted me twice today to tell me how much he misses me.

So when I saw Royal’s name flash across the screen, my heart jumped with excitement.

I’m dying inside to pick up my phone and continue talking to him, but I can’t until I’m done with my client and it’s making me shaky with anticipation.

Last night after he tattooed me, I went to his bed alone and tried my hardest to fall asleep, but all I could think about was the way it felt to have him inside of me, holding and kissing me. I’ve never felt something so pleasurable and intense in my life. It was absolute torture trying to fall asleep alone in his bed when all I wanted to do was feel him inside of me again.

My emotions were all over the place after that, and when I woke up in the middle of the night to see him lying there, all I wanted to do was look at how beautiful and peaceful he looked when he didn’t have be awake and hurting. He’s a beautiful, tortured soul, and seeing him in peace made my heart melt.

I had to stop myself over and over again from reaching over and touching his beautiful, soft lips. Having them so close caused an ache inside of me, craving to lean over and taste him again.

Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to fall back to sleep with all of the emotions he brings out of me, I left and went home to sleep in my own bed.

Now that he’s texted me, I’m left with wondering what he’s thinking. Since he asked me if I was on lunch, I’m guessing he wants to talk about what happened last night.

It has my nerves completely working overtime right now and I’m hoping I can get my client out of here without a lopsided haircut.

“Can you take a little more off the right side?” My client asks. She turns her head from side to side, checking it out in the mirror. “Yeah, just a tad bit more. It’s not really even with the left side.”

I force a smile. “Of course. Let me take a quick look.” Checking out her hair, I turn the chair to the side to face me, to get a better look.

Then I carefully trim the right side to match the left. “Looks good to me. Take a look and let me know if you want me to fix anything else.”

I turn her chair back around and step back as she checks out her hair in the mirror.

My heart almost stops when I hear a motorcycle pull up outside of the salon.

Swallowing, I look over to see Royal hop off his bike, shirtless, with his hair pulled up into a bun. It instantly gives me naughty thoughts, bringing me back to last night. He’s so rough and fucking dirty.

Ellie must notice him at the same time as I do, because before I know it, she’s staring at the door and fixing her red hair. “Holy . . .”

She hits Anne’s arm, causing her to look over as well. “That man must be my lunch. Damn . . . I’d eat him right up.”

Ignoring them, I turn back to my client in hopes to get her the hell out of here before I freak out. “How does it look? Everything good?” I ask in a hurry.

She runs her fingers through her graying hair and lets out a small breath. “Looks even enough . . .” She stares into the mirror for a few more seconds, before turning around to face me right as the bell on the door dings.

Her eyes widen as she looks over at the door to see Royal walk in shirtless. Then she quickly reaches into her purse and pulls out a twenty, acting like she’s in a hurry to get the hell out of here. “Here. Keep the change. I’ll just call and make my next appointment.”

Keeping her distance from Royal, she squeezes past him and rushes to her car, most likely locking the doors once inside.

I can’t help but to smile at Royal as he lifts a brow and then turns to watch the lady speed off. “What can I say . . . She just can’t handle sexy very well. Her poor heart probably can’t handle it.”