I suck in a deep breath and slowly release it. My whole body is screaming to cut his fucking heart out. “That’s all you know, Petey?” I grab the handle tighter and pretend to twist it again.

He instantly cries out and starts squirming below me. “Yes! I swear. That’s all he said.”

Leaning my head back, I growl out, before ripping the knife out of his hand and standing up.

Pete rolls over and cradles his fucked up hand in his slightly less fucked up hand. “He’ll be contacting me once he gets to town. I know he’ll stop by at some point to visit. Fuck this shit. Brian can fuck off now.” He grabs his hand tighter and crawls to his knees in pain. “Fuck!”

“I’ll be watching. Thanks for the info, Asshole.” I wipe my blade off on his dirty brown couch, before letting myself out and shutting the door behind me.

I jump back inside my truck and look around for a cigarette, punching the steering wheel when I remember that I’m out.


I run both of my hands through my hair and look over toward the passenger seat when I notice the light on my phone blinking.

I’m surprised as shit to see who the message is from. I almost don’t open it, but realize that I can’t stop my fingers from moving.

Avalon: I need to see you. I’m on my way to your house.

I read her message a few times, taking in her use of words. She needs to see me . . . I get a small ache in my chest at the thought of her needing me.

My heart sinks when I look at the time, noticing that it’s been almost an hour since she sent the message.

Without taking the time to reply, I drop my phone into my lap and grip the steering wheel to get my thoughts in check.

My plan was to stay far away from her so there’s no chance of pulling her into my hell, but the thought of her waiting for me has me pulling off and heading toward my house like an idiot, hoping that she’s still there.

Fuck. If you’re smart . . . you’ll be gone.

I STARE UP AT THE night sky while taking a bite of my Snickers bar and replaying tonight’s dinner in my head. I’m still so heated over our conversation and the way he handled me.

The thought of me ever seeing something in Colton makes me angry with myself. It’s embarrassing that I dealt with him for as long as I did and makes me feel like an idiot.

He was full of himself and always did well at making me feel as if I wasn’t good enough. I just looked past it for too long.

Well I’m done now . . .

I look down at my phone when it buzzes in my hand. Yes, I’ve been holding it, waiting for a response from Royal. My heart does a little happy dance, but then drops to my stomach when I see that it’s Madison and not Royal like I was hoping it’d be.

Holding the candy bar with my mouth to free both hands, I open her text and read it.

Madison: Please tell me you didn’t change your mind and you’re still with that douche face. Please!

Avalon: Colton is long gone . . . I’m sitting outside of Royal’s house, waiting for him to get home. If he’s not back soon, then I’m coming home. You there?

Madison: Oh damn! If you’re outside of Royal’s house . . . I better not see your ass for a long time. That man is . . . I don’t even need to say it. You’re not blind. Not anymore at least. If you leave before he gets home I will dropkick you.

Avalon: Ha! Ha! Funny . . . I would love to see you try, short ass. BUT you’re right. I had to have been blind to deal with Colton’s shit for as long as I did.

Madison: Fuck yes! And STUPID . . . so tell me . . . Did he pee his pants or at least cry this time? *crosses fingers*

Avalon: Unfortunately . . . no. But yours truly did knee him in the balls. So . . . you’re WELCOME!

Madison: YES! My life is complete now.

Smiling from Madison’s last message, I look up from my phone when I hear a truck coming down the long driveway. My heart begins racing.

“Please be Royal. Please be Royal,” I chant softly, while standing up to get a better look.

My heart about leaps out of my chest with excitement when I see that it’s Royal’s black truck, but then quickly sinks at the realization that he may not even want me here.

I sent him a message over an hour ago and he never responded. He may not even be expecting me to be here.

Grabbing my candy bar from my mouth, I wrap it back up the best I can and watch as he exits his truck, slamming the door behind him.

He stands on the other side of the truck for a few minutes, before his feet start moving.

The first thing that I notice as he steps around his truck is that he’s wearing a black hoodie and his hands are stained in what looks like dried blood. The second thing I notice as the blue lighting hits his face is that the area underneath both of his eyes is bruised and slightly swollen.

I toss my Snickers aside and rush down the porch in a panic, my whole body screaming to take care of him and pull him into my arms in comfort.

Instead, I stop in front of him and gently run my fingers over his beautiful face as he stands there breathing heavily.

“Holy shit, Royal. What happened to you? Are you okay?”

He looks at me, his eyes tearing into my soul, paralyzing me. All I feel in this moment is his pain and suffering, and it feels like my heart is being ripped from my chest. Only Royal has the power to make me feel so damn much from one single look.

“My hell is what happened. Nothing that you should be concerned with.”

Swallowing, I pull my hands away from his face and drop them to my sides. I’m afraid to know this next part, but ask it anyways. “Did you hurt someone?”

My heart beats wildly against my ribcage, waiting for an answer. “Not as much as he deserved.”

Seeing the pain in his eyes is enough for me to understand, and I find my words coming out without me thinking. “You shouldn’t have stopped then.”

His eyes widen a bit as if he wasn’t expecting my response, and he slowly starts walking at me. Unable to pull my eyes away from his, I walk backwards, stepping back every time he steps forward, until I’m pressed against the door.

He brings his bloodied hands up to press against the door, pinning me in. Then he leans in until his lips are hovering above mine, only a small breath away. His voice is thick with emotion as he stares into my eyes and speaks. “You think I should have kept going?”

I nod my head and grab both of his arms, squeezing them through the thick fabric. “If he hurt you, then yes.”