“Am I too smart for that though?” I question, ignoring everything he has just said. “What is your deal with Royal that you think you’re so much better than him?”

He lets out a dickish laugh, as if the answer to that is obvious. “Look at him, Avalon. Open your pretty little eyes and look. He’s dangerous, twisted in the head, and doesn’t care about anything around him. He will hurt anyone that gets in his way. You have no idea of the shit he’s done in the past; shit so fucking dark that I don’t even want to bring it up.”

“That’s the past,” I point out. “He’s not going to hurt me. In fact . . .” I stand up and lean over the table. “He’s done nothing but try to keep me safe. When I’m with him, he gives me his full attention. He doesn’t let me out of his sight, which is the total opposite of you. All you’ve tried to do for the last four months is keep me at a distance and pretend like I’m not even in the same room.”

“That’s not fair,” he complains. “You know damn well that my job keeps me busy.” He reaches across the table and grabs my hands. “Stay away from my brother and come to my place. You can stay there every night if you want to. Hell, you can even move in.”

A feeling of discomfort takes over as he rubs his thumbs across the tops of my hands. His touch is making me feel sick to my stomach. “Colton.” I pull my hands away and sit back down to get away from him. “I don’t want that. We’re done.”

“No,” he says while jumping to his feet and rushing over to my side of the table. “Don’t do this to us. You’re going to regret it.”

He desperately reaches for my hands and attempts to pull me to my feet. “Don’t touch me, Colton.” I keep trying to sit back down, but he keeps pulling at me to stand up, his grip on my wrists tightening. “Let go, asshole!”

Out of instinct, I lift my knee and connect it to his balls. He instantly releases my wrists and doubles over, holding his precious jewels. “Shiiit!”

“Fuck you, asshole.” I reach for my purse and lean in close to his ear. “Don’t ever put your hands on me again. You never did know how to touch me right.”

I look around me and take a deep breath when I notice everyone watching us. “I’m leaving. Just eat your damn food,” I say harshly.

Shaking, I rush out the door and jump into my jeep, slamming the door behind me.

I’m so pissed off right now that all I want to do is choke Colton and scream at the top of my lungs.

Right now, I feel stupid for ever dating someone like him in the first place. Him and that Misty bitch belong together. I never belonged in his world. I just wished I saw that earlier.

Not giving two shits about anything at the moment, I pull out my phone and start typing.

Avalon: I need to see you. I’m on my way to your house.

A small wave of relief washes over me at the thought of seeing Royal. I have no idea what’s to come of it, but it’s the only thing I want to do right now and there’s no way I can fight it.

I need to see this man’s beautiful, broken face, and I don’t care at what cost . . .

PUSHING MY BLACK HOOD BACK, I run a hand through my sweaty hair and pull my last cigarette out of the pack, before tossing the empty package in the backseat.

With tired eyes, I scope out the dump in front of me, while bringing the cigarette to my lips and lighting it, in hopes of calming my nerves a bit. I’m getting anxious, really fucking anxious, and my patience is running low.

I’ve been sitting across the street from Pete’s house, chilling in my truck for the last thirty minutes, and counting down the minutes until he arrives. I know that stupid fuck will be here soon, and I plan on surprising him with a little visit before he can disappear and hide out.

He gets off work at seven o’clock on the dot and arrives home a quarter after. I’ve done my research. His club might protect him when they’re in his presence, because they have no other choice, but that doesn’t do shit for him when he’s alone and in my hands.

Taking another long drag, I watch as Pete’s broken down Dodge Neon pulls into the driveway.

My heart instantly comes alive with adrenaline and my blood starts pumping as I watch him jump out of the brown shitbox and slam the rusty door shut. For being a mechanic he sure as shit doesn’t put any of his skills into fixing his own car . . .

I wait until he’s pulling out his keys to unlock the house door before I step out of my truck and crack my neck, tossing my cigarette across the yard.

Walking fast, I rush up the steps in three long strides and place my foot in the door, right as he’s attempting to close it.

“Ah fuck!” Pete pushes against the door to close it when he notices it’s me, but quickly realizes that he’s fucked and I’m not going anywhere. “Crazy, dark motherfucker.”

Lifting a brow, I stand up straight and kick his door open, sending him flying back to land on the floor. “I’m crazy as hell.” I cock a brow as I look down at him. “The devil is in my veins and he’s about to come out and play.”

Slamming the door shut, I lock it behind me and grab his neck, pulling him up to his feet. I swing out my fist, connecting it to his mouth, then swing again before he can even recover.

Cussing, he grabs his jaw and stumbles back, attempting to back away from me. “Are you fucking serious? In my own damn house.”

“Dead fucking serious,” I say tightly. “I suggest you tell me what the fuck I need to know.” I pull out my knife and rub my thumb across the blade. “Or you’ll be riding that piece of shit bike one handed for a while.”

He picks up an empty beer bottle and tosses it at my head, missing. “Shit!” He jumps over his couch and quickly falls to the floor to reach underneath it.

I wasn’t born yesterday. I know he’s packing and most likely keeps an extra there for quick access.

I spin my knife around and kneel down, stabbing it through his hand before he can pull his gun out.

He screams out in pain and grabs at the knife with his good hand. “Fuck me! Shit! Shit! Take it out!”

Pinning his free hand under my boot, I grab the knife handle and slightly twist it, leaning close to his greasy face. “Tell me when the fuck Brian is coming, you stupid piece of shit!”

He doesn’t say anything, so I push down on the knife, making him scream out again as blood gushes from his shaking hand. “Okay!” He screams. “Okay. Okay.” He closes his eyes and takes a few small breaths. “All I know is that he’s coming to town either next week or the week after. He’ll be around for a few days visiting some old friends.”