Unknown: Royal . . . that tattoo.

Avalon: Did you ask for my number? And I can’t.

Royal: Yes . . . And why not?

Avalon: Well . . . your damn brother guilt tripped me into going to your parents’ house for dinner tonight.

Royal: Even your text messages are tense. Didn’t my brother ever fucking relieve your tension? And just fucking tell him no. You don’t owe him.

Avalon: Hah! I’m not even going to answer that. And I know I don’t owe him. It’s out of respect for June and Ken.

Royal: I knew that stiff asshole wouldn’t know shit about pleasuring a woman. I’ll see you later.

Avalon: I can’t come . . .

A wait a few minutes for a response from Royal, before putting my phone away and heading home to get ready for this awkward dinner that I really don’t want to go to.

All I really wanted to do when walking out that door was to go home, eat junk food, and watch reality TV.

Now . . . all I really want to do is take Royal up on his offer for that tattoo. He just has this weird way of making me want to drop everything and have this crazy little adventure that being around him always seems to bring.

Instead, I’ll be spending the night feeling awkward at a family dinner that I really don’t want to be at, and pretending that everything is normal when it’s anything but.

COLTON IS SITTING ON THE front porch when I arrive at his parents’ house. He immediately stands up and puts his phone away.

“Hey, baby. Thanks for coming.”

I nod and turn my head to the side when he leans in to give me a kiss. “Hey . . . Sorry I’m a bit late.”

He clears his throat and loosens his stiff collar. He never wears a damn shirt without a collar and it drives me nuts. “No worries. Mother is just setting the table and I was finishing up some business.” He pauses for a second and stares at me, taking in my yellow dress. “How have you been? We haven’t talked in days. It’s weird.”

I smile small and answer him honestly. “Good. I’ve been pretty happy.” And I have. I’m happier than I have been in a while now.

His jaw ticks in anger, before he turns away and opens the screen door. “Good to hear,” he says flatly. “Let’s get this over with.”

Walking into the kitchen, I’m greeted by Ken, who is already seated at the table. Just like his son, he’s dressed in a blue, collared, button-down shirt.

“How are you, Marie? It’s a pleasure seeing you, as always.” He stands up, flashing a stiff smile. “Please, take a seat.”

Waiting to see which side Colton’s going to sit on first, I take a seat opposite of him after he sits down. “Good to see you too, Ken.” I glance at Colton from across the table. “I’m doing well. Just keeping busy at the salon.”

Ken nods his head and looks at Colton, but doesn’t offer a response.

A few awkward minutes later, June walks in carrying two huge bowls of pasta and sauce. “Hey, kids. Hope you’re hungry.” She smiles at me and then over to Colton, looking confused to see us across the table from each other. “Alright, this is different. Let’s eat before it gets cold. There’s plenty, so dig in.”

I wait for June to take a seat, before saying my usual thanks; the one I give them every week at dinner. “Thanks for having me for dinner again. I appreciate your hospitality and the food looks delicious.”

“Oh, honey. We’re always glad to have you.” She peers over at her husband. “Right, Ken?”

Ken nods in agreement and places his napkin over his lap. “Of course.”

We all start digging into our food, eating in this awkward silence that we’ve all grown accustom to, until the front door opens, surprising us all.

We all look over at the doorway, at the same time, as Royal walks in dressed in a white V-neck shirt, showing off all of his glorious tattoos and a pair of ratty old jeans.

My heart begins to palpitate, practically leaping out of my chest when his eyes meet mine and he runs his tongue over his lips.

Without saying a word, he walks into the kitchen and then returns with a plate and silverware, taking a seat next to me and digging into the food while everyone at the table watches him uncomfortably.

Ken clears his throat a few times, trying to get his attention, but Royal just ignores him and starts eating.

“Royal,” Ken says tensely. “What are you doing here? A little notice would have been nice. What if we had not made enough dinner? We have a guest.”

Royal looks up from his plate and shoves a bite of spaghetti in his mouth.

“Your father is right, Royal. We weren’t expecting you. It’s rude to just drop in unannounced.” She makes a disgusted face at his long hair falling to the side of his face. “And it would’ve been nice if you had at least pulled your hair out of your face. We don’t want it getting in the food. It’s unsanitary.”

Tilting his head, Royal gives his mother a dark look, before brushing a hand through his hair and slicking it back. “Ken is not my fucking father.”

Feeling uncomfortable for Royal, I turn to him and smile. I’ve never seen a family treat their son as if he’s unwelcome, and it makes me sick to my stomach to witness Royal in his position. “Nice to see you, Royal.”

He smiles back and then looks across the table at Colton, cocking a brow. “How’s it going, brother?”

Staring daggers at Royal, Colton slams his fork into his plate, stabbing at his food. “It’s funny how you decide to show up for a family dinner for the first time in two years. Don’t you have better shit to do, like break up a bar fight or drown in whatever poison it is that you drink at that dirty bar?”

Royal lifts a brow, but just shrugs off Colton’s words as if his opinion doesn’t matter. I don’t blame him. Who is Colton to judge, just because his brother doesn’t live the same lifestyle as him?

“Marie, honey,” June says. “Why don’t you move across the table by Colton? Sorry for the interruption.”

I sit up straight and look around the table, making sure they all see my disgusted face at their behavior. “I’m good. I’d rather sit here, thank you.” I turn to Royal. “Would you like more noodles? Here.” Without waiting for a response, I fill his plate back up with noodles, showing everyone that I’m in no hurry to get rid of Royal.