Royal’s hand gripping my thigh wakes me from the moment, snapping my eyes up to his.

He pushes my legs together. “Keep those things closed, unless you want me between them,” he growls.

I squeeze my legs together, slightly moaning as the thought of him between my legs causes my body to clench and jerk.

“Is it almost done?” I ask, hoping to come back to reality . . . the one where he’ll never be between my legs.

“Almost . . .”

Getting lost in the way that his jaw muscles tighten as he adds the finishing touches, my legs relax and slightly open again.

Tossing his tattoo gun aside, Royal stands up and growls, gripping my hips and pulling me down to the end of the chair, until his jean-covered erection is pressed against my pussy. A shock of pleasure runs through my core as he presses against it.

His right hand digs into my hip as the left one tightens around my neck. His eyes meet mine for a brief moment, before his right hand slides down my thigh and he releases my neck, stepping back.

“Keep flashing that smooth little pussy at me . . . Fuck, Avalon.” His jaw ticks as he looks between my thighs one last time. “Those little underwear don’t cover much.”

“Sorry,” I say in aggravation. “I got comfortable a couple times and wasn’t thinking. I didn’t expect you to get a fucking hard-on over it and freak out.”

Letting out a long breath, Royal sits back down, grabs my hand, and places it back on his thigh. Except this time, I can almost feel the shape of his hard dick above my fingers. I suck in a breath at the near contact.

“This last part might hurt; especially now that we’ve taken an unwanted break. Hold still.”

I jump when the needle touches my skin. He was right. It’s sensitive as shit now and I just want it to be done.

With one hand, Royal lowers my panties a little more to get to the bottom part of the feather.

I grip his thigh and groan out from the pain. That’s when I feel his dick now hard against my hand. He’s got an all-out boner right now and seems as if he could care less about hiding it.

“Sorry,” I say as I pull my hand away. I blush at the thought that I’ve just touched his dick, when I didn’t mean to. “Didn’t know that was going to happen.”

Royal raises a brow and glances over to meet my eyes. “My cock has a mind of its own, Darlin’. It’s a real fucking beast when it wants to be.” He sets the gun down and checks out his work. “I hope that’s pretty and feminine enough for ya. Looks real fucking good on you.”

Reaching behind him, he grabs for a handheld mirror, handing it to me, before reaching for some kind of tattoo goop to rub over the finished tattoo.

I hold the mirror in front of my hip and look into it. My breath catches in my throat and I can’t help but to smile. “It’s so damn pretty. Wow . . .” I look up at him and then back down at my very first tattoo. It’s only been minutes since I’ve had it and I already want more. I’ve heard this was going to happen. “How much?”

“Nothing,” he says, while cleaning his equipment up and getting something to cover my new art up with.

Right after he covers up my feather and pulls my dress down, the sound of glass breaking from somewhere in the bar causes him to punch the wall and yell. “Fucking Blaine!”

He cracks his knuckles and then takes off out the door as if he’s about to hand someone their ass.

“What the . . .”

Grabbing my purse, I take off after him to see what is going on and hope to God that Madison is all right.

Being around Royal and his friends, never falls short of crazy and chaotic . . .

WHEN I WALK INTO THE bar, Blaine has Porter by the back of the head and is pounding his face into the now broken window, breaking what’s left of it.

Lifting Porter up straight, Blaine slams his face into the brick wall next to the window, before yelling in his face. “Your dick ain’t fucking hard now, motherfucker. Does that feel good? Do you fucking like it?” He yells.

Blood is dripping down Porter’s face, but he’s laughing like a fucking maniac, fucked up as shit on whatever he took before he got here. He may be in pain, but he doesn’t feel it . . . at least not yet, but he’ll definitely be feeling it once his high wears off.

Surprisingly, this isn’t the first time that damn window has been broken. It seems to be Blaine’s stress reliever. I guess we all have one, but fuck, his sucks.

“Fucking shit . . .” My eyes meet Jax’s from across the room and he just shrugs and brings his lit cigarette to his lips. He’s too used to Blaine’s breakdowns to try stopping them anymore, apparently. “Don’t worry, asshole. Just stay there; I got it.”

Shaking my head, I walk up behind Blaine and grab him by the back of his neck, breaking him free from Porter. “That’s enough.” I tense my jaw and yank the unlit cigarette out of his hand, flicking it at the side of his head. “You’re paying for that shit.”

“Fuck.” Blaine runs a bloodied hand through his hair, before knocking all the drinks off of the table next to him and throwing an unbroken bottle at Porter. “I know, dammit. Don’t I always?”

My attention gets drawn back to Porter’s fucked up ass, when he turns around and wipes his arm across his bloodied face. That’s when I notice that his dick is out.

“What the shit . . .”

I take a step toward Porter, but he throws his arms up and takes a stumble back. “I’m going.” He points at Madison. “Bitch should have kept her mouth shut. She asked for it.” He mumbles some more shit, before swiping his phone from one of the tables and storming out the front door, while reaching to put his dick away.

I turn to Jax to scold him for not pulling Blaine away, and stop dead in my tracks when I see Avalon has now joined them and is looking at the broken window with her hand over her mouth. This is the exact reason why Jax shouldn’t have invited them here tonight in the first place. There are only certain nights that it’s tame enough here to mix the crowds and Jax should have known that.

“What the fuck happened?” I light a cigarette and take a long, deep drag, holding the smoke in for as long as I can, before releasing it. “Don’t everyone jump all at once to fucking talk,” I snap. “Why am I looking at a broken window and why the fuck did Porter have his dick out?”