Page 75 of Desperately Yours

“That position is open, if you want it.” Tom slowed his steps. “But, I truly believe your talent is best served behind the camera.” He stopped walking and faced me, eyes slightly narrowed with scrutiny. “You manipulated, coerced, and fabricated stories to get your cousin exactly where you wanted him to be. Your maniacal meddling shot viewership up by ninety percent.” He ran his hand across the back of his neck. “That proposal scene, it was breathtaking genius, and traffic took out our website twice. And to think that neither Michaela or Leonidas saw the hidden cameras, perfectly orchestrated and executed. Bonus footage like that will drive profits right up until the wedding special. You have raw talent like I’ve never seen before.” He waited for me to process what he was saying, and then continued. “Yes, you could be the man-candy onscreen. I could even make a show that revolved around you, if you’d rather.” He caught my attention there for a moment. “But what I really need is a calculating, devious puppet master behind-the scenes creating the drama that reels in the mindless masses.”

Maybe it was the flattery. Maybe it was the idea of adventure and starting something new. Maybe I just loved being calleddevious, but I found myself thinking that the South of France would still be waiting for me in a few months.

“I’m in,” I agreed.

“Fantastic.” Tom clapped his hands together. “I’ll get the contracts to you by this evening for review. We start shooting in about a month.”

His excitement became a virus because I found myself nodding along with him. A few months in America, a decent paycheck, and a break from all things Nolcovia, basically a paid vacation where I get to play emotional chess with simple-minded fools. Plus, I’d be back just in time for the wedding, but not early enough to have to do any work.

Bleeding fabulous.

Tom started to walk the other way, but I realized I’d forgotten an important question. “Wait, this actress, would I know of her?”

“No,” he replied quickly. “She was a huge hit about five years ago, but she burned out fast. I doubt her name carried all the way over here.”

I didn’t like loose ends and I wanted the name anyway. “Still, I’ll look her up and get some creative juices flowing.”

Tod nodded eagerly, obviously impressed by my initiative. “Of course. Her name is Skylark James. She was on a few shows, but she’s most famous for her movieDuke of—”

“Yesterday,” I finished for him. My stomach clenched as though he’d sucker punched me with the news.

“Oh, you have heard of her. That’s great news.” He shrugged and laughed lightly, unaware of my distress. “The first seasons of a new show, we gotta take whatever shark’s chum of a celebrity they toss to us.”

Internally, I battled the part of my soul that reared up when he talked about her that way. But my need to protect her had been squelched out years ago when she’d made her choice.

Not Skylark James. That was only her stage name.

Dempsey Crane.My mind brought her back to the forefront, but I refused to speak her name as I struggled not to be pulled back in time.

“I thought she was married.”

“Nah,” Tom still didn’t see my distress, “the guy toyed her along, but it never took. She’s been off the market and the stage for a while. She’s looking to get her feet wet again.”

‘I’m sorry, Bishop.’Her parting words echoed through time.‘Andrew is the safer choice.’

I clenched my hands to keep them from trembling. I refused to let her memory undo me again. She chose her life and it wasn’t with me. In reality, she was my origin story. Dempsey made me the carefree, unattached, and unrestricted man that I was today. To be honest, I owed her a debt of gratitude.

A puppet master, eh? Yes, I could do this job splendidly. She’d once played mind games with me, and I planned to return the favor.

“Sounds like an adventure.” I grinned at Tom, excited once more to get started on this new chapter in my life.

(Tom’s voice over a montage of stock videos of island living, mansions, and romantic couples)

This season onForever Yours:

Skylark James rose to stardom at an early age. After gracing the cover ofPeopleandVogueat only eighteen, she was on track to sweep the world with her stardom, but her flame went out. With a sudden disappearance from Hollywood, Skylark has built a life far from the glitz and glam, solitary and simple.

(Cut to clip of Skylark rocking on a porch and watching the sunset)

Skylark: “It’s just quiet out here.”

(Cut to clip of Skylark going inside and turning off the light)

Skylark: But it can get pretty lonely too.

(Cut to clip of stage lights flashing on)

Skylark: I miss the thrill of new romance. I miss meeting new people.